Krotar111 application

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RSN: Krotar111

Krotar111 application

Post by Krotar111 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:05 pm

Question: What is your RS Username?

Question: What is your Discord Username(if you have one)? This is used to add you to our Discord and is optional. If you decide to join the Discord later please pm a Admin/Staff member and tell us who you are so we can set you role/permissions correctly on Discord.

Question: Are you 18 years or older?
Response: yes (54)

Question: How long have you played Runescape?
Response: I started playing in about 2003 and quit playing before the grand exchange came out so I would guess about 2006. I started playing again about 2 months ago.

Question: What is your combat level?
Response: My combat level is only 56 currently and i realize it does not meet the requirements. I do not know if this is a requirement written in stone, and if it is and you cannot admit me to the clan I understand.

Question: What is your Skill total?
Response: 809 Again I do not know how stringent your guidelines are so figured I would try to apply anyway. I tend to focus on getting a few skills up at a time and I am working on smithing (84) and range (66) at the present time.

Question: Are you a runescape member?
Response: yes

Question: Were you ever a member of KoA before?
Response: no

Question: What do you expect from KoA?
Response: An adult community to converse with as I play runescape.

Question: We do require that you show respect to other clan members and to try and keep your language clean, this is an over 18 clan however we do not allow links to pornography or questionable adult material. Do you agree to these terms and have you read the website terms and conditions?
Response: yes

Question: Do you agree to follow Jagex rules? (i.e., no botting; no account sharing; no account trading, etc.)
Response: yes I have never participated in any of those activities.

Question: How did you find KoA clan? (web search, fansite, friend, etc.)
Response: web search

Question: What time zone are you located?
Response: Central

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Re: Krotar111 application

Post by Twirlindana » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:43 am

Hi Krotar, ty for applying to KoA.
The requirements are kind of written in stone 😜 but nowadays it is really easy to lvl up and I am sure you'll get there in no time.
We will be waiting for you.
Meanwhile you can join the CC as a guest on weekends (we open up the chat on Fridays European mornings and close it on Mondays European mornings).
The CC is Kingdom of Asgarnia.
Hope to see you soon 😊
"I'm no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time just like everyone else" - Tina Belcher

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Re: Krotar111 application

Post by Cally Raven » Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:37 am

Hiya Krotar, so sorry, our requirements are set in stone as Twirlindana has stated, but it's combat 100 OR 1500 total skills which is quicker to achieve than combat, once your total skills are at 1500 then you are most welcome to let us know. Hopefully we will see you in cc at the weekends, and we can help you gain that total skill level. :D

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