Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

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Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by fattyinabush » Thu May 19, 2011 4:54 pm


This is something I've wanted written for a long time, after a brief look on these forums and seeing no one doing something like this, I felt it's time some one did.

I will try to aim for a direct and short approach to reduce boredom, this post or guide is meant for people more experienced but I will try to make it understandable to the least experienced people too.

So, you say what I'm claiming here is utter nonsense? I'll tell you my average dungeon times are 15 minutes to 22 minutes, and I know why it takes 22 minutes when it does, I'm writing this very post to tell you why.

Here are the methods used in a 15 minute dungeon:

Gating your base;
This is stupid! Why would anyone gate the base? you can HT back for free!

The ability to instantly return to open a key door at the base when you hit a dead end early in the dungeon and buying a toolkit instantly if you didn't have enough cash in the beginning, it adds up to 3 minutes saved per dungeon, usually.
Gating doors close to your base;
This is also stupid! You can just HT and run to the door! I won't gate it!

For the very same reason above, it will save up to 3 minutes a dungeon, doors close to the base should be gated until the team run out of gatestones, then the person with the gate closest to the base should break their gate in favour of the new location.
Do GDs immediately, do not follow the keyer;
But there's 3 other doors we can open! The keyer might need something gated!

This is actually a choice based question and requires slightly more advanced dungeon map knowledge; should there be 2 other doors in a guardian room only the people left with a free gates are to open them, they are to open as much of the path as possible and then gate the path if the path contains a key door or a door you can't do and return to the guardian door to complete it, if it contains an easy GD, solo it. The keyer will ask a person to GT or go to a location and gate it when needed. Things like a single zombie/skeleton or a room of level 30s.
Announce keys when obtained and key doors when opened;
Why would we need to do that? It's too troublesome!

A keyer is a map reader, they are responsible for knowing the entire map, this is how they magically know who to ask to bring the GT and when to bring it several minutes before you hit a DE.

If you do not do this, you are a hindrance to your team, as bad as a leecher as the keyer will have to ask some one else about the location, slowing them down.
Only drop keys on the GT;
I dropped it in front of the keyer, they should have seen it and picked it up! Are they stupid?!

No, you are. At any given time a keyer will open up the map to check locations on it, a good keyer will always be on the move while doing this, they will be out of the room long before you know it.

If you think handing a keyer the key is very important due to your understanding of the map, announce it, even multiple times to get their attention.
Know your team's levels in a dungeon;
What? Why would I even need to know that? Everyone's level 138!

Due to how levels scale in a dungeon, having 1 extra level over the next person will mean the difference between being able and not being able to do a task or open a door in a room.

If you are the highest RCer in the team, or the highest Smither/Crafter, jolly well start solving the room without asked.

This is also why maxed level players are a hindrance to a team should the keyer not be maxed and why certain players will not bring them along.
Only if the floors are red and demonic looking, start making bloodragers;
Shouldn't we make them every floor regardless? They're good!

No. it's usually a waste of time making them for the occult floors, if you happen to have free time, make 1 blood rager tops. All occ bosses can be done with 6 eels or less.

You should only make 3 bloodragers and a set of scrolls on warped, anymore is pointless and time wasting.

Bloodragers high-alch for 32,188.
Be aware of the keyer's inventory;
What? What do you mean? You can check people's inventory?

Yes. You will be able to do this by clicking on the keyer's name under the ring tab, you should always check back every few seconds or every time a door is opened for your key and announced for the keyer to drop it as soon as possible.


If the keyer asks you to do anything at all, do it;
I'm doing a GD/ puzzle/ have something gated!

Never doubt the keyer, ignoring or disobeying the keyer is the worst thing you can do, should you have an opinion about a keyer's command state it only once, and should the keyer still insist on their command do not question them and follow it through.

You have roughly 3 seconds to state your opinion as the keyer can run to your location by the time it takes you to type and think, slowing the dg down by 30 seconds each time if the team has a slow reaction time GDGTing.
Be aware of a keyer's food pile and drop food for them;
I only have 1 eel left, can't drop it sorry.

Drop it. Now. You are apart of the GD clearing unit, the keyer will rarely be fighting unless the only path is blocked by a GD, you have plenty of chance to restock on food, the keyer has none.

The keyer should always have 4 eels whenever possible, a good keyer is able to key an entire map maintaining their inventory at 4 eels average.*

*I am speaking for people with 3 binds, apply common sense and rationing to scale it to what is needed at 2 binds.
Use a t10/t11 2H with a berserker ring, every other weapon and ring combination are useless;
You're a noob, my rapier/maul/axe/spear does way more damage!

It's probably why you're still doing those 40 minute dungeons. It's a well established fact that a 2H with t6+ berserker ring out damages every other weapon, only seconded by the axe and spear, which both does the same amount of damage.

Unless your 3rd bind is a hexhunter bow, your weapon should be the 2H, otherwise it may be a spear with the desperado ring set as the spear out damages the 2h without a ring.

A hex can take out a mage before it can unhood anyone else in the team for a second time with the ring, saving the team vastly more food, this is the only reason to use the desperado ring.

An axe without a berserker ring is worthless, you should never use the tank ring unless you are the keyer.
At 3 binds, the tank ring is useless;
What ring do you use then?

Gatherer's and berserker, the only things that will kill you now are skills doors which feels like inflicting 500+ damage on you, a gatherer's ring will reduce this to 250 or less, usually less.
Lure Reborn Warriors or suffer the wrath of your god. In the form of reborning those warriors. Over and over again. In every single GD.;

Lure them. Now. Do this by leaving the current GD to the last room when it has you as it's target, failure to do so increases the dungeon time by 3 minutes per dungeon, many dungeoneers consider this divine retribution in action.
When there are walls in a room, use them;
What? I thought those were only decorations to make the dungeons less boring!

Using the walls correctly will save the team a ton of food, I will list some examples below:

Running along the edge of a room instead of through it;
Stop the entire room from piling you if there's a mage with the added bonus of stopping reborn mages from summoning warriors as their first attack is to unhood you.

Lining the mage against the wall;
What are you doing? Pile the mage!1!11!!

This stops it from unhooding the entire team and isolates it from the meleers and rangers, this also applies to every monster, especially the brute, always have the targeted person to lure it away from the mages.
Collect herbs throughout the dungeon;
The other guy will pick it up for us!

Reason: No they won't. It's a good thing to be fighting over a herb, definitely better than not picking up herbs at all.
Plant herbs during your free time;
We'll get some from drops, there's no need to do that!

Not every single time, planting herbs is as important as making bloodragers in terms of priority.

~~~ Pretext

This post will begin the psychological analysis of dungeoneers in general, it was what made dungeoneering fun for me and allowed me to test certain theories, I would not have gotten 120 if not for this very reason.

Alright, you read the guide and you widen your understanding, you feel like a pro now but hey! Why am I still only doing 25 minute dungeons? You're lying 15 minutes is impossible!

No, it's not impossible, and this section of the thread will tell you why.

So, you finally assembled a team of 5, ready to complete the next 12 dungeons in 3 hours or so but on your 3rd dungeon you noticed the time starting to slow, people becoming less attentive and etcetera.

That or you wonder why the team of 5 good players you had played with previously was not as good as they were when you first met them, the reason is simple:

We are humans, we get bored and forget things when we feel we have more important things we could be doing or more important things we're dealing with, ranging from trivia things like texting your boyfriend/ schoolmate/ mother to more important things like listening to an important conversation your parents are giving you or the news of an earthquake threatening to disconnect you from your runescape for the next few months.

When I first started doing 15 minute maps people got shocked by the speed, it inspired them to never doubt my judgment and have fun in general, even getting interested with the reasons behind the things I asked of them, eventually they knew why I asked of them to do certain things and it was smooth sailing, 2-3M exp was expected in session of around 7 hours, I usually call it a day by then.


After the initial period people started to lose interest and took things for granted, a false sense of 'skill' was endowed upon them, they are the pros who are capable of such feat, I can't make a mistake, it's probably the other guy!

For this very reason, people forget the reason behind their success, they forget things such as calling their gates on time, things such as gating over and generally rely on only the keyer's skill to carry them through a dungeon. The average time has now fallen to 20 minutes.

The truth is, the keyer is as human as you are, although probably much more skilled, they can forget things too, especially when their boyfriends make an impromptu surprise visit to their house or generally trying to steal them from their dungeoneering using various methods, or when they have some concerns on their minds.

---Calling gates and if they are close to a base and can be gated over greatly enhances a keyer's performance---

It has a domino effect on the overall skill of the team, when people see you calling gates and gating over efficiently they will do the same, perhaps to not be viewed as useless, or perhaps enjoying the general sense of knowing what's going on, they will do the same.

---The skill of the team is increased fivefold when everyone is aware of the map---

This means that when you drop a GT, your team members will bring it over to their GD/ door faster than you can tell them, this is only seen in few teams nowadays.

When everyone knows the map, everyone will know the only path. They then gain an extra ability know as running to the next gate.

---The speed of the map relies on simultaneous gating---

Hey, I've done my job! I opened my doors and it led to a dead end, my gate isn't needed anymore!

Your gate is always needed, when you reach a DE, regate your location, then open your map and check if you are close to any other unopened rooms, usually key doors or pot doors, proceed to GTGD and clearing the GDs, once cleared with nothing in sight, gate back to your location and run to the closest thing that needs gating in your area.

Some times the keyer will command you to run to a gate before a GD is done. Do it. The keyer understands the map far more than you as they've been running through most of it, and their commands best be heeded.

--- Your gate should never be 'nothing'---

This means you have failed to gate the base and have slowed the team down. May the shadow forger/ hope devourer 1 hit you. Or something.

This happens a lot when teams get comfy/ lazy with their keyer, it is one of the most persistent and pointless problems ever faced in a dungeon, ever.

---Always have initiative---

Don't wait for a keyer to call you out and remember your gate for you, you should remember your gate at all times and remind the keyer of it, it is the least you can do, this along with not having a gate is one of the most pointless mistakes, ever.

When you call your gate, it enables the keyer to simultaneously analyse a map and make coffee at the same time. Do it unless you want to make the coffee. Do it even when you're making the coffee. Making coffee is not a free ticket or excuse to not calling your gate.

---When a jerk is on your team, use them like a tool---

Treat them as you would a computer, merely a tool, there is no point in entertaining their argument, attempt to be nice but understand their limits, they're lacking certain understanding to complete them as a human and it may be their fault why they are the way they are, regardless of these issues, it is not relevant to the game we're playing.

There are only 2 concerns, being able to do a 15 minute dungeon and not being able to do a 15 minute dungeon.

Understanding this principle will be greatly useful in life, this is the fun part of dungeoneering as each different jerk requires a different bag of medicine.

The generally consensus is 'be nice and be practical' apply it the best you can and remember they are not worth your anger or your time, swap them out as early and as humanly possible should you and your team find them so intolerable but expand no more energy on them.

---When a skilled jerk is on your team, use them like a tool---

After much dungeoneering, you will encounter an impossible event, you will meet some one so rude and generally disliked in every way possible who has mastered the art of dungeoneering that you must admit the effort they place in it, yet they are at the same time immature and generally rejected by society, it is to your best interest in reforming such a person and reduce their level of intolerablity, let them think what they will yet continue to dungeon with them.

When you are well grounded in reality, you will naturally know who's in the wrong, the other people in your team will see what you're trying to do and play along and the jerk will become more tolerable with the false sense of security you give to them.

---Do not dungeoneer with level 3 leechers---

They are the masters of manipulation and I will tell you why.
1. They reduce the team's gatestone count by 1.
2. They reduce the team's prayer level by 95 or more, the prayer pots they make are not a bonus, they are simply lessening their uselessness, they are the cause of the problem in the first place.
3. The combat potions they make do not cover the lost of damage had you had another player.
4. You cannot build an alter and have to clear rooms that only the skiller can do, yes that's right, you cannot build an alter, the portal's needed for the mime and etcetera.
5. The average combat levels of monsters in a dungeon remains the same, whatever mechanic calculating combat levels doesn't make much of a difference.

I think that should be enough to show you why they are masters of manipulation, there's probably more reasons but I'm short on posts to list them, they will lie quite fluently and claim those 5 points as benefits, when they, in actual fact, are not.

---GT Mastery---

This section of the topic will be dedicated to how to use the GT efficiently.

Alright, so you're the keyer today for your row, you see this dark blue triangle in your inventory and you have no idea when to drop it. Here's how.

If your team has no gates yet and are doing a GD, carry the GT with you.

This is like increasing your team's gatestone by 1, if you reach a location and have to bring your gate over, it's as good as losing 1 gatestone as both your gate and the GT will be used for the same location.

---Attempt to keep your gate at the location with the most amount of key doors---

The reason is simple, there is an unnecessary delay before you are able to pass a key to anyone, you are the keyer and you have all the keys, unlocking 1 key door may lead to another key door and so on.

Opening the doors yourself is always the better choice when possible, and only when possible, do not go out of the way to open the doors themselves or you just slowed your team down.

---Only drop your GT if you're 100% sure where you're headed to is a DE---

If there are more than 1 room left in the path til the DE, carry the GT with you, the room before it may be a GD.

---If a GD has 4 doors in it AND the map indicates more than 2 of those paths may lead to over 2 other rooms, drop the GT there---

As each of those rooms may lead to another GD, it's much more helpful to not carry it around with you so your team may GT back and run to the next GD.

Advance keyers will often ask a designated friend to carry the GT along with them somethings after such a scenario while they head to a different path, this saves a lot of time, both the keyer and the chosen friend knows which path leads to the most doors and are at mutual understanding.

---Your gatestone is food---
When you teleport with your personal gatestone damage is nullified but not when you teleport with the GT, use this to your greatest advantage.

---Micromanagement, Damage Mastery---

This section will explain why some players constantly get the 'Berserker' title and why seemingly to just have that player on a team means a reduction of 3 minutes in your average dungeon time, it's no coincidence like you think.

---Dashing in---

Dash into every room you open by clicking twice, activate your protection from mage as you click the door, have your mouse on your other two prayers and switch accordingly if needed once inside.

Scouting a room then turning on a prayer, THEN finally clicking a door to enter a room will add at least 1 minute to your clock every dungeon, good DGers know the amount of damage they can take before and die and are not affected by this.

---Attack first, switch second---

Should your P2H still be on slash mode as you enter a GD, attack the first monster you see first then switch to crush IMMEDIATELY after the first click.

Every 3 seconds not attacking something equates to losing 400 damage on average.

You have a high chance that you'll switch to crush during the attack, in addition to that the high stats of your P2H will some times cause you to hit should you not be successful switching.

You also start running to the monster once you click, thus combining the time taken to switch styles and running into one action.

---Loot between attacks---

Always attempt to do this, the only exception is when you're about to die and need food badly, by this I mean when you have 200HP left.

GDs block the flow of the keyer opening rooms, you should always clear them first and loot later, this allows the keyer to continue opening doors as you loot.

---Chain attacks---

Switch to your P2H and attack right after you fire your hex, the P2H will gain the speed of hex for one attack.

---Prepare only when idle---

Only make bloodragers/ more runes when there's absolutely no GDs, should you see 'GDGT' drop whatever you're doing and GT immediately, you can continue later.
Last edited by fattyinabush on Thu May 19, 2011 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by fattyinabush » Thu May 19, 2011 5:18 pm

My Additions:

For announcing keys:

Gold = go
Green = gr
Crimson = c
Orange = o
Purple = p
Blue = b
Silver = s

Shield = s
Corner = co
Crescent = cr
Pentagon = p
Wedge = w
Rectangle = r
Triangle = t
Diamond = d

Reason for shortness:
Less letters typed = more time saved = faster dungeon.
Note: There is no Gold Shield key.

When announcing to the keyer, say "gk -insert key here-"
Ex: gk gor
(Got key gold rectangle)
As soon as you get the key, finish/gate your path and drop the key at the group gatestone, saying "-insert key here- @gt"
Ex: gor@gt
(Gold rectangle is at the group gatestone).

Again, shortness is to be efficient. The idea of paths I'll explain later, although I think Veil explained it.

Pointless for occults and abandoneds or anything lower, great for warped bosses.
^ Veil cypher's word dumbed down :P

Just gonna cover binds real quickly:
1st chance you get bind hood.
If you get the chance, bind hex.
Weapon bind:
Under 113 dungeonz: Prom 2h
Exception: If you have celestial surgebox, bind primal battle axe, switching weapons to use mage is a waste of ~ 5 seconds per change.
Of course, if you have lower attack level use the lower tiered 2h.
Ammo bind:
If you have hex: 125 Saggittarian Arrows.
If you like mage: Celestial Surgebox (this will allow for more dps [damage per second]).
Otherwise: 125 law runes (this allows you to save time making runes, as well as to start floors faster).

Not sure if Veil covered the rest of this post, I kinda got bored of reading it, so please forgive me for redundancy.

I know he didn't add this:
This is a tip from my friend who happens to be one of the top 5 keyers in rs.
When keying, try to leave gt and your gate where the most unopened doors are at. Instead of moving gt to a dead end and leaving it there for a skill door, let the person with the skills for the room tele there, then move gt back to the area that seems to lead to the most paths.

There's that word again, paths. A path is basically a "path" of rooms. For example, a path would be like...a runecrafting room that leads to skill doors then to emotes and levers or something. Any unopened door is an incomplete path and needs to be gated.

Hope this helps...If you have any questions feel free to ask here or pm me in game.

Happy Dungeonz@!$

Common Dungeoneering Acronyms:
a = Abandoned
o = Occult
w = Warped
C1s = 1-29 (1-35 if the host doesn't like abaz)
aba = abandoned
occ = occult
warp = warped
f = floor
110+ = 110+ dungeoneering, not combat (this may not be true in 117/148, but it is true in 28)

Ex: If I were to be hosting three warped floors, i'd be announcing "3w+4." This means the row is going to be three warped floors, and I need 4 people to join my team.

Ht = Home Tele (Click the big H on your spells tab)
Gd = Guardian Door (You have to kill all the monsters in the room)
Gt = Group Tele (Click the spell that takes 3 laws)
Gte = Group tele for end (Click the spell that takes 3 laws to end the floor)
Gtgd = Group tele for Guardian Door
Merc = Mercenary Leader
Gtm = Group tele for Merc (not common)
Ramo = Ramokees
Gtr = Group tele for Ramokees (not common)
mime = Emotes
lev = levers
Gtl = Gym Tanning Laundry (erm, Group tele levers)

Another thing, don't clear levers, its a waste of time, just get to a lever and click it when the keyer says 3.
Last edited by fattyinabush on Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Starwolf » Thu May 19, 2011 6:14 pm

My head hurts from reading all of that.. I'll be sure to reread many times though cause I want to be a good keyer. Thanks for the time spent on this.
[img] ... arwolf.png[/img][sig]2012-02_Farming_2nd-Starwolf.gif[/sig]

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by fattyinabush » Thu May 19, 2011 6:18 pm

Starwolf wrote:My head hurts from reading all of that.. I'll be sure to reread many times though cause I want to be a good keyer. Thanks for the time spent on this.
No problem. After I get 120 I'm going to post all my floors with decent times since 114. I'll also include a guide to keying from the basics to the not so obvious.

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by TrixStar » Thu May 19, 2011 6:50 pm


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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by fattyinabush » Fri May 20, 2011 8:06 am

TrixStar wrote:tl;dr

Gate base or doors near base
Don't follow keyer unless its 1way
Listen to keyer
Don't get cocky if the floor is going fast, you still have to gate
Announce keys
Announce doors if keyer isnt nearby
Know who all has what stats (ex: if you're only one with 99 rc and keyer says gt 99 rc, that means you)
Make bloodragers for warped, not occult or abandoned
Leave food for keyer (I kinda disagree with this...good keyers dont mind suiciding)
Don't dg with lvl 3s
Attack before switching attack style
Do boss prep when idle (if needed)

Rest is basics.

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Dave » Fri May 20, 2011 11:25 am

Nice guide. One concern I have though is lack of information on the bosses. I find that people who aren't knowledgeable about how to effectively kill the bosses add 1-5 minutes to a floor. For example, when people don't know how to kill hope it changes an easy boss into a deathroom.
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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Sir Chris » Fri May 20, 2011 1:40 pm

Nice, i started reading it but i'll finish it later. TY.

Got a general tips summary for the soloer? Teaming just is not something that my playing time allows for.

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by fattyinabush » Fri May 20, 2011 3:03 pm

Dave wrote:Nice guide. One concern I have though is lack of information on the bosses. I find that people who aren't knowledgeable about how to effectively kill the bosses add 1-5 minutes to a floor. For example, when people don't know how to kill hope it changes an easy boss into a deathroom.
Guess I'll do that now....

Gluttonous behemoth:
Stand between it and the food.
Pray mage.
Kill it.
Don't die or it heals.
Known as glutt.
Hex works.

Astea Frostweb:
Pray mage.
Kill it using an attack style it ISN'T praying, or tele out and wait for it to switch prayers.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as Astea.
Hex works.

Icy bones:
Pray mage.
Kill it.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as big fat guy made of ice.
Hex works.

Luminescent Icefiend:
Pray mage.
When it uses its special, run around in circles to avoid getting owned. Its special is signified when it becomes invincible (says at bottom of the screen).
Kill it.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as icefiend.
Hex works.

Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz:
Pray mage.
Slide to it to attack it, then kill.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as plane-freezer.
Hex works.

To'kash the Bloodchiller:
Pray mage.
Kill it.
Spam click your character when he freezes you in an ice block.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as bloodchiller/chiller.
Hex works.

Skeletal Horde:
Pray whatever is summoned/attacking you.
Kill the skeletons, then close a portal when the skinweaver starts yelling at you.
If you're dying, go to the skinweaver, he heals you.
Known as horde or skele horde.
Hex works on the mages.

Hobgoblin Geomancer:
DONT PRAY, this will heal him.
Kill it.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as geo.
Hex works.

Bulwark Beast:
Pray mage.
Mine through its shield with a pick axe, then kill it.
When the bar at the top is no longer there, put away your pick axe and use your weapon(s).
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as bulwark.
Hex works.
For c1s it is highly effective to mage him, since he is weak enough that you don't need to break the plate if using mage.

Unholy Cursebearer:
Pray mage.
Kill it.
Note: your stats will be drained during this boss.
If you want to restore your stats, you can click on one of the fonts near the end ladder, this will heal the boss.
As usual, don't die or you lose exp.
Known as curse.
Hex works.

Pray melee.
Kill it.
When it shouts chaaaaaaaarge, run to a corner. When he is getting closer, attack him.
Don't die or you lose exp.
Known as rammernaut.
Hex does NOT work.
Mage is highly effective.

Pray Range.
Kill it.
When it becomes invincible, pick up the crystals on the ground and charge the lodestones next to him. If you fail to do so, he will heal himself.
Known as ireallyhatethisbossforc1s/stomp.
Hex kinda works....better to melee

Har'lakk the Riftspitter:
Pray mage.
Kill it.
When it shouts and shoots bubbles of doom at you, run out of them. Purple = poison, red = damage you, black = lowers your stats.
Known as harlakk.
Hex works.

Lexicus Runewright:
Pray mage.
Kill it.
When he shouts book barrage, run away from your current location.
Known as lexicus.
Hex works.

Pray MAGE (this is commonly not done and people use range).
Reason for mage: His mage attacks makes you unable to move, his range attack merely makes it so you can't run.
Kill it, run when he shouts "arrow rain!"
Known as sagittaire.
Hex does not work.
For c1s it is highly effective to mage him, since you dont have to run in circles.

Night-gazer Khighorahk:
Pray mage.
Run around the edge of the boss and light the pillars, this allows him to be damaged more per pillar.
When he becomes a little bubble, run away from him.
Known as night/night-gazer.
Hex does work.

Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan:
Pray mage.
When he starts to glow (indicated at the bottom of the screen), hide behind one of the pillars.
Known as forger.
Hex works.

Bal'lak the Plumber:
Pray mage.
If his defence bar indicated at the top of the screen becomes too low, tele out.
If you get the chance, lure him onto the green portal bubbly things, this will lower his defence.
Known as bal'lak (I like to call him ballsack the plumber...but that's just me).
Hex works.

And now we get to the bosses that actually have a strategy...

Skeletal trio:
Pray mage, then melee.
First kill the ranger, then the mage, then the warrior.
If you want to reduce food used, you can trap the warrior in the corner by having 1 person walk in, and running towards the corner. When the warrior is closer to them than the ranger and mager, they can tele out then stand on the closest to the corner. Ex: if boss is north 1 from the entrance and you lure the warrior to the southeast corner, tele out and stand on the east wall of the preboss room.
After they are lured the rest of the team can run in and the warrior will not harm them, the lurer can then run in once they are no longer focused on him/her.
Known as trio.
Hex works on mage.
Having 1 mager kill the warrior from the start incredibly decreases the amount of time this boss will take to kill. If the warrior is left last and you have no magers...when he continues to pray melee, you'll be kicking yourself for not having someone mage him.
Use slash.

Runebound Behemoth:
Pray mage.
Alternate activating the stones of the attack style you wish to be using.
Melee first, since most people have melee (in the corner farthest away from the entrance).
Then when melee goes down, activate the range and or mage stone.
This allows people to not just be sitting there hitting nothing.
Note: when you activate a stone thingy, his prayer of that attack style goes down, allowing you to hit him.
Known as runebound.
Hex works.
Use crush.

Pray melee.
This is also a common misconception, people like to pray range. When you are 1 spot away from him, he rarely ranges, and his melee attack hits harder.
When he shouts something weird, bless the portals around you so you don't get owned by purple bubbles of doom. Other then that, just kill. He shouts 3 times, the last time when he has 1 lifepoint.
Known as gc or grave.
Hex does not work.
Use slash.

Pray mage.
This boss is quite possibly the easiest to solo, IF YOU HAVE HEX.
When unlocked, if there is a hexer in the team, have them start on the boss. This person should gate outside the boss, then run in praying mage + any boosting prayers they may have. If the boss uses an entangle attack or curse, run a few spaces away from your current spot, this will avoid the attack. When necrolord summons the skeletons, this person can tele out and wait until they die.
To kill as a team, because you dont have a hexer or you unlocked it last.....have the people with range/mage dd (death dot, aka stand in one place) near the corner where there is really only 1 direction the skeletons will come from, 2 if they're sneaky. Have the tanker stand 1 spot away from the boss, praying melee. When the boss is summoned, the tanker should drop a gatestone at their spot, and repeatedly tele to it, preferably timing it so they absorb the magic hits, to prevent damage.
Known has necro.
Hex does work.
Mage works too.

Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk:
First form:
Tank takes off their plate and prays soulsplit. If you want to be fancy you can pray melee and ss flash. Everyone else prays nothing.
Hex does work.
Second form:
Pray melee (everyone). They may look cute, but the little spawns are demons....they can kill you do 990 damage in under 2 seconds.
Hex still works.
Known as fleshy.
Use slash.

Yk'lagor the Thunderous:
There's a lot to say about this boss, so bear with me.
First step: Put gt (the group gatestone) behind one of the pillars on the side in which the pillars are 2 spots away from him, not 3.
Next: One person lures 4-5 mages until yk rages and kills them. This person should proceed to not standing behind the pillar, while the others do. This person should hide behind the pillar until he says "Come closer." This indicates you have lured him. The second his hand becomes purple, attack. Most people are incapable of attacking him the first round without him maging, but after killing him a few hundred get the hang of how long it takes his attack to be used. So you're killing him...when he yells something, either "come closer" or "this is......power" run behind the pillar. The SECOND your character is behind the pillar, attack yk again. If this is done correctly by the entire team, he won't mage and food won't be needed on this boss. A death on this boss when you still have prayer, means your team (or you) fail(s).
IF you have really bad connection or are bad at clicking buttons attentively, I suggest using gatestones. With this method, when you're standing next to him, make a gatestone and drop it. Now, instead of running right back when you get behind the pillar for his special attack, you can tele to your gatestone. DON'T DO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE TO...IT WASTES TIME. Your connection has to be REALLY bad to have to resort to this....I can still kill him correctly with 2 second click lag. But essentially, use this method if you're afraid of healing him.....
On this boss, if the keyer is still finishing the floor, he/she should ask the team when he can open the door. They should reply "go" or "open" the second he has just used his special. Given human reaction time, the door will be opened around the time you are attacking the boss again, having the likelihood of him using his special during your doorlag highly unlikely.
Known as yk/thunder.
Hex does not work.
Use slash.

Now for warped bosses...wo0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o00o0

Pray mage when he's running around like a cocaine addict, pray range while you're attacking him.
While he's running around like an idiot, you must try to raise a pillar so he runs into it. To get an indication of what pillar to raise, look on the minimap, he will appear there before he starts running. After he's been trapped, attack. When he says "H....Here it comes!" Raise a pillar and hide behind it. It also works to drop a gatestone next to him and tele to it the second he uses his attack.
Known as Blink.
Hex works.
Use slash.

Warped gulega:
This is where you get in your practice for Jad. If you can't pray switch, this boss will be a pain in your ass until you learn how to do so.
Pray melee, with your cursor on mage. When you see big yellow balls of doom, click your mouse. If he dips his head, click the range prayer. The second you have clicked either of these prayers, click the melee again, leaving it up for as short amount of time as possible. If you can pray switch effectively for about....50 attacks....don't worry about the next part, you don't have to move/eat.
If you're unsure of yourself and your pray switching, when 4 spikes appear around you in a 5x5 block, run away. Otherwise you will be drained to 1 lifepoint (If you are good at pray switching this can't kill you, as he will just keep reducing you to 1 lp). Again, eat if you want or are bad at pray switching, but its really unnecessary.
Known as gulega.
Hex does not work.
Try to take the time during the floor to pick up blue charms and mine prom ore. Otherwise, this boss takes forever. Without ragers, a 30 second boss turns into a 5 minute boss, easily...even if you are 99 att/str with turmoil.
Use slash.

Ever fought old sara? Exactly the same strategy.
Pray range, in case someone messes up...
When he looks at you, run around the exterior of the boss room.
Maging this boss is highly effective, as it allows you to run and still damage him, as well as keep a safe distance while doing damage.
Known as dread.
Hex kind of works (it works to the extent that I use it when I get him, because dread usually targets the lowest combat level, and I still want to do damage instead of just running for 2 minutes).
If you are 92 pray, I suggest soul split instead of praying range/melee.
Use slash.

Hope Devourer:
Finally, a boss 99.99% of the runescape community doesn't know how to kill.
Pray melee.
Having mages and meleers works wonders on this boss. The meleers stand in front of the magers, so they don't get owned, but not right next to each other. 2 spaces away from each other is best, this way hope can't push you both/all.
When he says "groooooooooooaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" take your prayer off momentarily, or he will heal and damage you greatly. After he inhales his hopeliness of doom, put your prayer back on.
Note: you will take damage no matter what if you are a meleer, because the constant magic attack does 55 damage (about) every so often. The magers should pray mage, unless they aren't being protected.
This boss is relatively easy, but hey, people with 120 dungeonz manage to make like a rabbit it up every day, so don't feel bad if you do too.
Hex does not work.
Use crush.
Known as hope.

World-gorger Shukarhazh:
Pray range, until you start being attacked by its mageliness (indicated by yellow stuff near you, or balls of mage falling from the sky at you), then you pray mage.
This boss works best with 3+ hex....that makes it over 9000 times faster. If you have 3+ hex, kill the warrior and mage eye, and let the hexers own it. If you have less than 3 hex, kill the range and mage eye and prepare to be owned because it will take forever.
Hex does work.
Crush the eyes, slash the boss (stab works best on this boss, but unless you have a 2nd weapon bind, having a stab weapon is impractical).
Known as gorger or wg.

Kal'ger the Warmonger
The biggest asshole in daemonheim.
When you unlock is, walk in so you can start the little movie.
This sounds stupid, but make novite for the pieces of armor you don't already have. This greatly reduces damage taken.
Pray soulsplit on the first form, crush it.
Pray soulsplit on the second form, crush it.
The third form he will fly across the lava river and start maging you. Hexes own this form. If you have few or zero hexes, stand on the little lava ball of death and be transported over, GATE OVER HERE, there will be another form on this side of the lava river. You CAN pray mage on this form, crush it.
Pray soulsplit on the fourth form, crush it.
Pray range on the fifth form and tele across the river, also crush it.
Pray soulsplit on the last form, and prepare to get owned...this is why he's the biggest asshole in daemonheim.


Hex works on mage form.
Known as kal'ger.

Boss Guide done....sorry for the sarcasm in the first few bosses...I don't normally fight them on 5:5 large and there really isn't any difficult strategy to them.

Once again, any questions ask me in game or here :)

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by fattyinabush » Fri May 20, 2011 3:10 pm

Sir Chris wrote:Nice, i started reading it but i'll finish it later. TY.

Got a general tips summary for the soloer? Teaming just is not something that my playing time allows for.
You'd be surprised as to how many people are online at a time in w148. Granted, a lot will be wanting 90+ dgers, but going there is still ideal to soloing. When soloing just try to have fun, and go at your own pace. Use the gt and your gatestone as if you have 2 gatestones, since you're the only one who will be using them. For example, I'm on 24/7 :P After I get 120 I'd be glad to tag along with you once I get to do some other skills for a change :D

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Darth Kaz2 » Fri May 20, 2011 4:16 pm

Thanks, FIAB. Great tips throughout!

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Sir Chris
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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Sir Chris » Fri May 20, 2011 4:56 pm

Yes, ty faib.

It's not that I have trouble finding a team it's that it is rare for me to have a solid uninterrupted block of time to play with a team.

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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Dave » Sat May 21, 2011 12:16 am

Had a little more time to read it thoroughly and think about what was written. The only thing I think is incorrect (based on my opinion/experience/knowledge) is stating that a 2h is the only weapon you should have. Not only is the baxe better on shades, zombies, dogs, rats, books and spiders, it is also enhanced more by blood necklace/primal gauntlets than the 2h. But whether a 2h or baxe is needed on a team is based on your teammates' binds and whether or not they can clear gd's efficiently (ie. if theres a hex don't pile lone mages, baxes should focus on zombies/other lower defence monsters, 2h's on rangers/skeletons). Its too bad the topic of gd clearing has too many scenarios to make an effective guide to that.

But now I'm just rambling/nitpicking. This'll help anybody who's trying for those low times.

LOL @ start of boss guide, if I was to make a guide it'd be on occult/warped only.

Few things I've observed that isn't mentioned:

Blink - I'm about 99% sure he always runs S > N and W > E, use that knowledge in addition to the mini-map (as you mentioned) to make things easier.
Hope - If I remember right (its been a while :( ) he targets players who aren't protecting melee over players who are protecting melee. This is why the melee + mage both attacking him works well (he tries to attack the mage while the melee'er blocks while protecting melee). Just an explanation as to why your method works.

Haven't had wg or kal'ger so I don't know about them, but for the bosses I've access to none make me rage more than Hope (for the reason you stated - 99.99% don't know how to) and Thunderous (for a reason similar to what you said - people who insist "don't run, use the gs method so you take no damage")
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Re: Veil Cypher's Dungeoneering Guide

Post by Starwolf » Sat May 21, 2011 1:25 am


loved how that was mentioned in there a few times
[img] ... arwolf.png[/img][sig]2012-02_Farming_2nd-Starwolf.gif[/sig]

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