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Treasure Trail/ Clues running tips

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:37 am
by Diplomatt
As previously 'guided' in Slayer, I said I would do a Clues guide so here goes.

I would class myself as a semi-professional clue runner, due to the fact I get bleedin loads of them from Slaying and have literally done hundreds of them. 70% + of my cash comes from these. You can be rewarded items anything from 10k up to hundreds of million. In this guide, I will cover what I have to make ‘running clues' easier and also wild clues! I use the treasure trail guide from RuneHQ to aid my clue running: The guide is very good at explaining every type of clue and how to do them. Using this guide, puzzle clues only take me 2/3 mins and you know when to tool up for the wizards that may appear.

To help me I have the following:

A Dedicated Tab In My Bank Account.

In this tab I have:

4 x charts (goto the observatory with no maps in your bank or inv and ask for 1, then use the drop method of asking for 1, dropping it, asking for another and so on until you have 4 or 5 then pick them up)
4 x watches (clock tower just south of Ardounge, drop method)
4 x sextants (Murphy the sailor at Port Khazzard, drop method)
(these are only needed on co-ordinate clues, but I keep them in my Inv for most of the time)
4 x spades
2 x rings of life (part of my in the wild running gear)
2 x phoenix necklaces(restore the wearer's life points by 30% of maximum if they drop below 20% of the maximum-wild gear)
2 x forinthry braces(allows you to use teleport even when your teleblocked-wild gear)

I try to bulk stock these because if you die on a co-ordinate clue, you usually end up losing one of these items and running around to get another is a pain in the bum and also, if you have more than 1, it stays in the same place in your bank account when you take 1 out!

Other items I have needed in clues, I have kept in this tab. If you need to do a bit of buying to get the clue done, buy the item and keep it in this tab. These items include:

(will edit and fill in later)

Clue Management.

I get all my clues from Slayer. I will stop my task straight away and crack on with the clue unless I only have about 20 left to kill. Two reasons for this:

1. You can only get one clue at a time. I have ‘solved' the clues, gone back to slaying and very next kill got another one!
2. It can be a nice break from Slaying to run around Runescape like a headless chicken for 15 mins on a clue!
When I get to a bank I ‘kit up' for the clue but I always carry the following:

Ring of Dueling: quick tele to castle wars bank chest for next items needed
Games Necklace: quick tele to Wilderness Volcano as above and central point for wilderness clues.
Amulet of Glory: quick tele to Edgeville bank and another starting point for Wild Clues.
Digsite Pendant: (my Varrock tele puts me outside the GE) quick tele to Varrock east.

This way, you can always get a quick getaway after a clue to get on the next one without spending 5 mins running to a bank.

Useful Teleports.

The art of running clues is getting around Runescape in a quick and timely manner. Every teleport device can help but here are a few of the ones I use a lot:

Ring of Dueling – quick bank option at Castle Wars, short run to fairy ring or Duel Arena/ Al Kharid
Games Necklace – Wilderness Volcano bank, Burnthorpe Games room for quick access to Heros Guild and recharge Glories, Barb outpost for Lighthouse clues.
Amulet of Glory – Edgeville Bank and Wild teleport switch, also for Karamja Banana plantation, close to a fairy ring.
Digsite Pendant – East of Varrock, usefull for lumberyard picture clue and Strange Old Man.
Karamja 3 Gloves – Gets you into Shilo Village, ready for those Kharazi jungle clues.
Ardougne Cloak – teleport to recharge prayer in Monastry and north Ardougne clues.
Enchanted Lyre/ Sea boots – Rellekka tele for onward travel to Jokul/ Misc and Etceteria (non fairy ring user)
Ectoplasm - Port Phasmatys for running to Canifis and a few clues in the scary wood!
Teleport Crystal crystal – visiting the Elves land for clues (Lletya) although I use the boat charter to get to west Lletya.
Explorers ring – Cabbage patch teleport for access to Draynor and Port Sarim, also usefull for energy restore!
Fairy Rings – speak for themselves, very handy and even better after latest quest where you no longer need a Dray staff to use.

Teleporting to the bank (duel ring to castle wars bank chest), you can easily pick up runes for teleports to the major towns in Runescape.

There are hundreds of options for travel and I will edit this list with other KoA ideas/ uses for quick teleports for Clue running.

Wilderness Clues.

Now PKers don't rule the roost in the Wild, the Revs do! If you die, it is more likely you will lose the clue. Here are a few tips for running clues in the wild:

You can outrun Revs easily. My tactics are run like mad! (Yes, I am a big roughy toughy sailor who has won medals for fighting for Queen and country but Revs still scare me!) You can escape and always log out and change worlds. Turn on the music and sound effects and you can always hear a rev after a spell has been cast on you before you can see him. Use the Radar in the corner to spot potential danger. I try to travel light when clue running, but boots of lightness (pick up and drop trick) are stacked in my bank ready to use along with a few spottier capes. They can reduce your weight (pity you cant get them in real life!) and prolong your stamina (I've had no complaints!).

Kit yourself up with ring of life, phoenix necklaces, forinthry brace and I always take my DDP++. Depending on where the clue is, I will take a few monks, super energy pot and maybe anti-poison pot and the clue gear I require for that clue. I sometimes also take a games necklace so when I reach level 20 wild, I can tele back to the Wilderness Volcano and safety!

TURN OFF AUTO RETALIATE – You don't want to end up running towards a Rev because your trying to kill him instead of running! This is very useful if you are going to use the random ancient magic teleports in the wild and can appear in the vicinity of a wandering Rev. If your clue involves a wizard, you can always turn it back on to fight then off again to escape!

Getting there: I either use the lever by Edgeville to get to high level wild, teleport to the Wilderness Volcano for close clues or it's just a quick run south from the wilderness volcano to use the ancient teleports for wild teleportation. (Clan Wars is handy for the alter clues as its only a short run). If you are using the ancient teleport magic, be aware that you can teleport the rev with you if it stands in the middle! This has happened to me twice now!

In safe areas, try to conserve ‘run energy', then you are always ready for a run away! When I cut the spiders web in high level wild, I always walk south round the back of the Arena for any west located clues. Its quieter but can still attract a Rev now and again!

DON'T PANIC! If a Rev appears, you can always run away or use the ancient teleport system to go somewhere else. Even though it may say you are teleblocked the forinthry brace will allow you to teleport.

Wizards. A number of clues involve fighting two types of wizards. The site I use at HQ tells you which clues involve wizard killing and which sort. For the Zammy, he only uses mage on you so use your spec with a DDP++ and protect from mage. For the Sara wizard take anti poison and maybe a bit of food as he uses mage and a DDP against you (I usually tool up with my best melle equip!).

If you get caught by the buzz of the clues, it can be very rewarding with lots of nice gold at the end of it. Try not to feel ‘seen off' if you only get a small reward. I have had a load of 10k rewards, but it's the quantity of 100k plus rewards that all start to add up. If your very lucky you can end up with 3rd Age gear that translate to a wad of cash! My best reward was a Robin Hood Hat when they cost around 6 million. I was in high level wild, surrounded by Revs. I kept my cool ran like mad, changed worlds and appeared in a world next to a load more Revs! I did manage to run and teleport out in the end!

Re: Treasure Trail/ Clues running tips

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:43 pm
by onezerobin
Thank you for the awesome guide :D

Very detailed and well written guide :) You covered every aspect of clue finding.

Some things I do a little different from your guide are:

- For quick tele to fairy rings I always keep my slayer ring with me, and tele to relekka slayer caves.
- I use clue scroll guide.
- I almost never slay, but get my clues from evil trees, and fish chest from kingdom :lol:

Re: Treasure Trail/ Clues running tips

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:54 pm
by Diplomatt
Ahhh, nice Slayer Ring to Fairy Ring tip, or should I say 'D'oh!' I've been running from Castle Wars to Fairy Rings!

Re: Treasure Trail/ Clues running tips

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:59 pm
by Dr Brad
I prefer "free" trips. Ardy cloak to Ardy monastery --> run to fairy ring next to Tower of Life.

Re: Treasure Trail/ Clues running tips

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:04 pm
by Diplomatt
This is what the guides are for, people to share ideas, hints and tips and for me to bite my lip and say "D'oh, why havn't I been doing that!"

Re: Treasure Trail/ Clues running tips

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:15 pm
by onezerobin
I did not know about the phoenix necklace till now, and never thought about getting multiple charts, etc. D'oh' #-o