Armadyl GWD Guide (updated)

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Armadyl GWD Guide (updated)

Post by Dima » Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:53 am

Sep '09: Changed Kree'arra's secondary attack to magic (which ultimately, is what he uses); updated pics as a result; added the Enhanced Excalibur to the recommendation list.
Update January 9th, '09: Pics, some updated text and imp boxes. Most of the guide remains unchanged.
February 1st, '09: Corrected Kree's attack type, and changed the equipment setup and pics accordingly. Added the knife option for non-bat players.

First of, if you have never been inside the God Wars dungeon, this should provide an excellent (and must, before going on with the guide) read.
I recommend reading the guide twice, top to bottom, to build a nice picture of how the inventory and equipment blend into getting to the point where you're ready to enter the boss chamber, along with fighting it.

It's worth noting that this trip requires Saradomin brews and super restores (many clanmates can help you make these, if you have the materials), on top of expensive equipment, so keep it in mind before deciding to go on with inventory preparations.
This type of boss is similar to the Kalphite Queen, in which everyone gets hit, so specific roles and inventory aren't necessary.
First time GWDers going on this trip should be ready with a Falador teleport and a rope. After talking to the dying knight and delivering the message to Sir Tiffy, you are free to attach the rope to the edge of the pit, and descend if you wish, having Saradomin, Zamorak and Armadyl items equipped, along with a crossbow and a mithril grapple. It is recommended to explore Armadyl's Eyrie before going there for the first time to study the place for potential KC spots (plus, it looks unique).

Commonly, the inventory consists of full ranging gear with the shield and helmet slot reserved for melee armour. With big teams (5+), you can equip a ranging helmet in the head slot as well, and with even bigger teams (7+), you can ditch the shield too.
The weapon of choice is a crossbow with 200 ruby and 500 diamond bolts.

The general consensus is to have an entire inventory of Saradomin brews and super restore potions, with a BoB* familiar carrying extra, and another familiar that regenerates health once the first one has been used. There are no notable advantages here beyond level 69 Summoning (beside level 96).
Base Equipment: A mithril grapple; two teleportation tablets; Armadyl, Zamorak and Saradomin items; Saradomin brews and super restore potions at a ratio of 3:1, with four extra restores (depends on the team's size); two Prayer potions; a ranging potion.
Custom Equipment:
The name of the game here is constant damage, so the more and the better equipment you bring, the more you will last.
40-52 Summoning - Bring 3 Bull Ant or Spirit Terrorbird pouches (not including the one you summoned) to carry extra supplies, as well as two Void Spinner pouches to be used once the bird is depleted. These will restore 104 HP throughout its 27 minute long lifespan.
67-69 Summoning - Bring 2 War Tortoise pouches to carry supplies, and two Bunyips, or preferably, two Fruit Bat pouches with 300 extra scrolls. Bring a knife with the latter.
Beyond these levels, the only familiars that can benefit you are the Pack Yak, which needs no explaining about, and the Unicorn Stallion. The latter however is a sacrifice of health in favour of firepower, as the more inventory space you have, the better the bat gets, at the cost of wasting attack turns by eating the fruits. Ultimately, this creates a balance of higher level players covering up for lower level ones.
* BoB - A Beast of Burden familiar; one that carries items.

To make the most out of your inventory space, you can fill the two empty spaces created after teleporting to Trollheim by doing the 'teleport drop trick'. To do this, start by having enough runes for two Trollheim and one Camelot teleports. Once arrived to Trollheim, drop two items on the floor, teleport to Camelot, fill in the empty slots, then teleport back to Trollheim and pick what you've dropped.
Equip your Saradomin item before entering the dungeon. You can remove it once you're inside the Eyrie.
No smuggling of familiars required.

A-GWD trips are considered to be the second most difficult in the dungeon, due to the lengthy KC build and the boss' damage rate. You can say Kree'arra (male) is a softened up version of the Kalphite Queen, with attacks that damage everyone in the room, but his sergeants have an attack accuracy no lesser than his.

Kill Count:
Building the KC here is a bit different than for the other bosses in the dungeon. Since Armadyl's followers aren't fighting anyone, simply confronting them will result in a waste of precious HP, which only leaves you the protection prayer option. The method then is straightforward. Sip a ranging potion and range sub-level 100 aviansies while praying Protect from Missile. If you've level 83 Slayer, feel free to kill 40 spiritual pigeons instead, as there're are two of them conveniently placed along the norther wall of the Eyrie - one right at the entrance and another one two screens west of there.
Once you're done, log out to preserve your familiar's timer and check for the status of the rest of the team either through another account, or 5 minute log in intervals.

Fighting Kree'arra:
Prior to approaching Kree'arra, the team should agree about who's killing which of his sergeants, as these attack whoever is attacking them (once Kree's dead), and dealing with them quickly and correctly can preserve HP. Wingman Skree is a mage, usually located in the eastern side of the room, Flockleader Geerin is a ranger which generally stays around the western side, and Flight Kilisa uses melee and follows players around. Refer to this page for pictures and background (if you wish).
Kree'arra uses three types of attacks: Ranged, which is the most devastating, being able to hit up to the high 60s, a direct and inaccurate melee attack, which he uses if you're near him, and the only one who's currently attacking, and another form of missile attack which is based on magic.
Having decent defence and plenty of HP, ruby bolts should be used for the first half of his health, which special attack is able to hit at least a 25 to that point, and diamond bolts for the second part as their special has a high chance to hit. Once Kree is dead, proceed to eliminate his sergeants as planned earlier.
Although it isn't a must (however recommended), once everyone's ready, you should stand on a single square right under Kree'arra's spawn point to save a few prayer points by activating Protect from Missile immediately after he appears. If not done so, make sure you already have the prayer on to avoid nasty surprises.

The Altar:
The altar can replenish your Prayer points (giving a minor boost) about every 10 minutes. You may also notice it has a right-click Teleport option. This teleports you outside the room yet inside of the Eyrie. If you choose to do it instead of using a teleportation tablet, make sure you equip your Zamorak and Armadyl items prior, or immediately after teleporting. Note that you'll need 40 fresh kills to re-enter the room.

I've decided to add this little part to the guide as getting your items back in the (actually) not-so-likely death may be tricky, due to the time it takes to get enough KC to enter the room. Firstly, make sure that if you don't have an Armadyl item that you keep on death, you do have one in your bank. Secondly, be sure to take the following items: One-click teleport; a crossbow and a mithril grapple; Saradomin, Zamorak and Armadyl items; a ranging potion; six prayer or super restore potions; food. On top of that, wear some d'hide, and take not a crossbow, but a fast ranging weapon, such as the magic shortbow with 500 rune arrows. After arriving into the Eyrie, turn the Eagle Eye and Protect from Missile prayers, and start blasting through aviansies. Once done, proceed near the door, right click on your grave, and you will see the items you've lost when died. If the room's empty, plan what items you want to take, pray against ranged and watch your health. Remember that if you die again, your new grave will replace the old one, ending the protection for the items you came to pick up.

Final Notes:
Obviously the Armadyl item is the first problem here. Your easiest option is the Temple of Ikov quest, where you can obtain an Armadyl pendant which goes into your necklace slot. Alternatively, you can go shopping for an exquisite piece of Armadyl armour, which offers the best ranging stats in the game, but costs accordingly, and has a low shop value, thus requires you to use less powerful items if you want to keep it on death.
Second to note is the fact that people who leave through the altar at the end of the trip, will do you no good if you die, because they simply won't have enough KC to enter the room. Pulling off 40 kills with a 4-man team is tricky, and with more people, the Kill Count for each player will be even smaller. Bottom line, it's best to leave along with everyone else, without waiting until the last second preferably.
Lastly, this is the second most popular GWD trip, so looking for a free Lootshare world might take a while. If you want to stay in the CC and chat once done with the Kill Count, bring another BoB pouch.

Suggested Equipment:
White indicated the 3 items you keep on death, yellow the one saved by the Protect Item prayer, which should be kept on at all times.
Image Image


Addition Info:
As always, the Imp in a Box is an item worth wasting a food slot on if you've 71 Hunter and beyond, granting you the ability to send any item from your inventory to your bank (stackables as well, such as coins), twice.
Bringing an Enhanced Excalibur is a smart choice, as there are no weapons that use your special attack bar.
Another alternative item is a pair of cheap ranging boots instead of the good old dragon ones, for people that plan on bringing a Dragonfire shield and a Barrows helm. These will provide a little ranging bonus as well as defence from magic, at the expense of melee protection.
In many cases, players with a Fruit Bat familiar don't bother picking up their pineapple spawns. For those occasions, if your Summoning level isn't high enough to summon one, or much higher but you still want a little help with food, you can bring a knife to slice them up. Slicing it will produce 4 pineapple slices in your inventory, each capable of healing 2 HP for a total of 8.
Last edited by Dima on Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:07 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Armadyl GWD Guide (updated)

Post by 1man__Rmy » Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:40 pm

great guide!
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Re: Armadyl GWD Guide (updated)

Post by onezerobin » Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:01 pm

Awesome Guide !!, I will read it in advance, if I ever have the stats and equipment to make to God Wars :)

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