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Muted :/

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:38 pm
by Sir Chris
Well for the first time ever I got muted (for 2 days from some over zealous mod).

I know what I said "What a dick" (Far from "seriously offensive language" that is on the mod report list) in speaking about a pker killing penguin hunters. I guess maybe the pker was the mod himself and not happy I landed a few good hits on him before he killed me.

Oh well, sounds like an opportunity to try that free WOW.

I have to admit it really pisses me off.

If it is a legit offense, then why the hell allow people the option to filter profanities?

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:49 pm
by Diplomatt
Edited to say:

I have just read all the rules about this. You still have to be respectful to other players. So you can walk around all day saying really bad swear words and you wont be touched. BUT call another player a disrespectful word and your muted.

I am posting on the Runescape forum they need to clear this rule up!


Re: Muted :/

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:49 pm
by Sir Chris
Pilgrim Matt wrote:Edited to say:

I have just read all the rules about this. You still have to be respectful to other players. So you can walk around all day saying really bad swear words and you wont be touched. BUT call another player a disrespectful word and your muted.

I am posting on the Runescape forum they need to clear this rule up!

Thanks Andy.
It makes sense, still not happy, like getting a speeding ticket for doing 56 in a 55.
I checked the site and here is a pic of the mod report screen:
Only thing about offensive language is "Seriously offensive language" (top center). "Dick" is far from "seriously offensive"

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:07 am
by scootch
one more reason for mumble use

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:06 am
by Dave
Mod mutes are one of the stupidest things when they seem to just feel like finding someone to mute.

@Scootch: What about communicating with more people than the 10 in mumble? Runescape is a MMORPG, there tends to be more than the few in KoA & mumble to talk to.

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:24 pm
by Philoz 494
That's why I dont talk to much in Runescape...

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:30 pm
by curanir
unlucky, at least it's only 2 days though...

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:47 am
by Sir Chris
In thinking about it, part of my problem is that I keep my filter on. So to me it read "What a ****" Obviously to "Mod overzealous" it read as stated earlier.
lesson learned: don't talk in public.
Also another lesson I learned, I'm not all that crazy about WoW. Tried it, not really my cuppa tea.

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:07 am
by paragram
Sorry about your bad luck Chris :oops: I don't even bother w/ wildy pengs anymore %-( Not worth the trouble imo :-?

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:02 am
by benson300
that mod was probably some 13 yr old kid! How would that feel?

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:58 am
by Darth Kaz2
I was muted once. I deserved it...I started a riot at the Blast Furnace once, by standing at the top of the conveyor belt and instructing all my 'slaves' to work hard so I didn't have to. Pretty funny actually, but I got muted. And I didn't even use any profanity! :lol:

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:22 am
by Sir Chris
benson300 wrote:that mod was probably some 13 yr old kid! How would that feel?
In my experiences, 13 year old's have the worst mouths.

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:48 pm
by Q Knuckles Q
But P mods are picked by Jagex. Also, any report or mute made by a P mod are reviewed by Jagex themselves and can be undone if the mute isn't right. Normally one would be de-crowned if one mutes unwisely.

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:11 pm
by scootch
Must been A young Mod. I called A Mod worse things then that. lol, And thy have done the same to me.. next time u do Wild pen if i am on i go with ya.I Love killen Mods

Re: Muted :/

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:22 pm
by B F O A
Q Knuckles Q wrote:But P mods are picked by Jagex. Also, any report or mute made by a P mod are reviewed by Jagex themselves and can be undone if the mute isn't right. Normally one would be de-crowned if one mutes unwisely.
Except they don't review mutes very closely.
TrixStar wrote:Image