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Retriving items from grave

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:55 am
by Gridenough
Sorry if this is a stupid question. I haven't played much in the last year because rl has interfered too much. However, I am back to playing in the afternoons. Question: How do I get my stuff from my grave?
Normally, I simply do not die. It is too traumatic. I recently had an accident, though, and died with a bunch of stuff. When I got back to my grave it was still in good shape, but I couldn't get to the stuff. According to the documentation in the forums, there should be an option on the right click called "read" that will list my items. It didn't. I tried all the right click options and left clicked also. Nada. I was still working on it when the grave collapsed and everything was gone. How should I have got my stuff back?

Re: Retriving items from grave

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:47 am
by Jax
Death office (right next to Draynor lodestone), costs you coins but you get em back fastest and without hassle

Re: Retriving items from grave

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 4:35 am
by Gridenough
Thanks, but it is quite easy to make it back to the grave. It is a little pointless to buy back the items from death. I may as well simply purchase from the GE. What I really want is to be able to plunder the grave. There are a number of articles in the wiki about claiming items from the grave but they did not work properly. Has the grave become pointless? If we can't get the goods from the grave, why bother with the stone? It seems as though there is something missing here.

Re: Retriving items from grave

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:21 am
by Twirlindana
You just click on the grave to inspect it and then you can reclaim whatever you lost.
You still have 24 hours after your grave collapsed to get back what you lost from Death.
Whenever I die, I am wearing about 300M gps in gear and usually I am in weird places so I prefer to pay Death (I bet he loves me :p ) between 500k gps and 700k gps, so depending on what you lost, it may be really worth it to pay the toll. :))

Re: Retriving items from grave

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:20 pm
by Gridenough
Thanks. I will try that again. I usually pick fairly easy places to do combat and I can get back to a grave site really quickly. I did try the "Inspect" option, but I didn't see my items. I think it may be useful to go ahead and die intentionally and learn the trick. It cost me almost 500K to get my stuff back from death after the grave collapsed. Very expensive for me.