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New Membership Application #7 from Test

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:04 pm
by Test
You have a new Membership Application

From User Test

<b>Question: What is your RS Username?

Response: </b>Test

<b>Question: What is your age?

Response: </b>77

<b>Question: How long have you played Runescape?

Response: </b>5 years +

<b>Question: What is your combat level ?

Response: </b>138

<b>Question: What is your Skill total?

Response: </b>1444

<b>Question: Will This be your only clan? </b>

<b>» Yes</b>

<BR />Yes

<b>» No</b>

<BR />No

<b>Question: What do you expect from KoA?

What events would you like to see?
How often would you expect there to be at events? etc...


</b>test only

<b>Question: We have a minimum of 10 posts per month and each member must attend 1 event a month.
However these requirements can be compromised.

Could you agree to these requirements? </b>

<b>» Yes</b>

<BR />Yes

<b>» No</b>

<BR />No

<b>» Will try</b>

<BR />No

<b>Question: We do require that you show respect to other clan members and to try and keep your language clean, this is an over 18 clan however we do not allow links to pornography or questionable adult material.
Do you agree to these terms and have you read the wesbite terms and conditions?

Response: </b>Yes

Re: New Membership Application #7 from Test

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:06 pm
by Deep_Pain
This is only a test to see why new members arnt changing colour upon acceptance,

Re: New Membership Application #7 from Test

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:08 pm
by Test
I should now be blue?
