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AirJordan's Application

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:51 pm
by AirJordan
Question: What is your RS Username?
Response: MJ 23 X

Question: Are you 18 years or older?
Response: Yes

Question: How long have you played Runescape?
Response: Oh man, it's definitely been a while, but here's my story: I started playing RS in 2003 as Gogeta_Bomb (being a huge DBZ fan at that time). I was playing on an off for a while until I decided to quit Runescape and concentrate on my studies. I decided to give my account to a very good friend just to make sure I wouldn't come back. Fortunately (and unfortunately, haha), I decided to come back on my pure account, and I have been playing on and off since.

Question: What is your combat level ?
Response: 110

Question: What is your Skill total?
Response: 1564

Question: Are you a runescape member?
Response: Yes

Question: Will This be your only clan?
Response: Yes

Question: What do you expect from KoA?
Response: RS, in my opinion, has changed so much over the years for the better and for the worse. The first clan I joined, The Revengeous Warriors, was a mature clan that I looked up to (even though I was still quite young). I also remember the times in RSC when I would fish in Catherby and everyone was having a good time talking while clicking the fishing spot a million times (haha). Now, RS (although still fun) has a lot of small annoyances. Whenever I go PKing, I try to show sportsmanship, but I get flamed almost every 5 minutes (which is very annoying). Also, when I go fishing or mining, it's usually very quiet.

From the KoA Clan, I want to experience the "spirit" of RS again and talk to a variety of people. Also, I acknowledge that this is not a PKing clan, and I really would like to participate in a lot of the events that I meet the requirements for.

Question: We have a minimum of 5 posts per month and each member must attend 1 event a month. Could you agree to these requirements? (time out can be taken)
Response: Yes

Question: We do require that you show respect to other clan members and to try and keep your language clean, this is an over 18 clan however we do not allow links to pornography or questionable adult material.
Do you agree to these terms and have you read the website terms and conditions?
Response: Yes

Question: How did you find KoA clan. (web search, tip. it, zybez, etc..)
Response: Zybez forums (Username: Prodigy X)

Question: What time zone are you in?
Response: Pacific

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:10 pm
by onezerobin
Thank you AirJordan for your application. :)

One of our admins will process your application as soon as possible.

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:23 pm
by Lady in Ice
Hello Airjordan!

Am I correct that the account you gave to your friend is not the one you´re playing now?

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:34 am
by AirJordan
Yeah, the account I gave to my friend a while back was nicknamed "Gogeta_bomb." Currently I play on MJ 23 X, a pure that I made.

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:27 am
by Lady in Ice
You know, admins are humans, they usually sleep at night :lol:
Welcome to KoA!
Your application has been accepted. Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to the fold, and I hope the following information may answer any questions you have.

Firstly you may wish to make an introduction post here

Please also take the time to check out our FAQ here

Our voice chat information can be found here

Our clan chat on Runescape is "koa clan" please pop in when you can to say hi to anyone there.

Please take a look around the forums and feel free to add any of the staff in game.

Once again welcome to KoA and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to PM any of the staff, or contact any staff in game or in the clan chat.

Thanks again for your application and welcome.


Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:52 am
by KevinsLunchbox
Welcome to the clan buddy, hope you enjoy your time here with us and have a lot of fun.

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:16 am
by beefeater555
Welcome Aboard!

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:18 am
by Poppy
Welcome to the clan - hope you enjoy your stay :-)

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:52 am
by Hid
Welcome to the clan :)

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:07 am
by Diplomatt
Hello! See you in game!

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:06 pm
by Moon Zina
Welcome to the clan!!!

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:47 pm
by onezerobin
Welcome to KOA , AirJordan:)

Please, check your forums PM inbox for a note from me, on behalf of Koa.

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:18 pm
by Anne Bonney
Welcome to KoA!!

Topic locked as an introduction has been made.
Please add your welcomes to the new thread...
AirJordan / MJ 23 X

Re: AirJordan's Application

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:55 pm
by Dr Brad
Welcome to KoA! :D