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Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:16 pm
by Deep_Pain
KoA is 5 today.

I want to lead out by thanking each and every one of you for making KoA the wonderful clan it is, it's the members who make this clan work and without the hard work and dedication of many members from day one, this clan would never have succeeded, Thank you @};-

These are some thoughts and experiences of the admin team, some of our memories of the past, our enjoyment of the present and our hopes and aims for the future, it would be great to see some of your memories or ideas for the future or how your experience is now, so please post away!

Fluff wrote:On a quiet morning in July 2010 I did the thing that so many have done before me and have done since… I typed "“adult_runescape_clan” into Google and browsed my options. My brain kept saying "“look for ‘no fuss'”. I hate long winded form filling and I equally hate the thought of selling my soul for the sake of joining an online clan. So, when I found that the KoA application didn't require me to give my life story in order to join, I thought "“I'm in!”. I just about met the minimum requirements at the time.

KoA is my first gaming clan and I was made to feel welcome on the forum from day one. I can remember being quite taken aback by the welcome messages. By day 2 of my membership I thought that I should join the FC (as it was then) but believe it or not I'm a very shy personality (yes, I am!) and so put it off till another day, then another day. I finally got the courage to join Friends Chat to be greeted by a warm wave of welcomes, and from that day to this, entering our RS chat is like coming home, each and every day.

I can remember how in my early days there was some confusion about my use of abbreviations. ‘OMW' always meant "“Oh My Word” to me, but responding "“OMW” when someone said they were "“so tired that they couldn't get out of bed” certainly raised a few eyebrows.

Probably my next hurdle was Mumble. I think it took me about 6 months to talk to people through our VOIP. It felt so alien to me - talking instead of typing. And all those accents! By the second time I used mumble I felt so relaxed with you all and soon found it to be an invaluable aid to playing RS.

I have always loved the way our clan has a way of encouraging you without pressure. If I had to sum up our clan in a few words, it would be: courteous; friendly; helpful; family. To be able to share your achievements and get heart-felt congratulations from others is a rarity in RS. To feel safe enough to share your weaknesses (oh so many ‘fluff moments') is a joy.

I hope to ensure KoA remains a place that we can all pass time, in a welcoming, warm and safe environment. I endeavour to give new members the same true welcome that I received. Long live the place where we can be ourselves and enjoy the company of like-minded ‘friends'.
Oobz wrote:Has it been nearly 3 years since I joined KoA? it only seems like yesterday I found the greatest adult clan in Runescape, yet sometimes it feels like I have been here forever. For the first 3 years playing Runescape I played solo to a certain extent, I had a few irl friends who played but they slowly dwindled away one by one. So, I decided to look for a mature clan to join. I found a nice little clan and made some good friends there but after about 10 months I quit the game for a while to concentrate on some exams I had to take for my job.

When I returned the clan had died and after having the "“clan experience” I felt playing solo just didn't do it for me anymore. After a couple of days searching for adult clans I found KoA. When I joined I received a very nice PM from Anne (Bonney) welcoming me and letting me know if I had any issues all I had to do was ask, I thought this was a really nice touch and later found out that this was entirely normal in this awesome clan! I was very quiet for the first few months, just attending a few events and making a few posts on the forums. After those first few months I started to loosen up a little getting more and more involved in the clan. Everyone was so nice and helpful, when someone needed some help with anything at all there were multiple offers of help, always!.

I soon started attending lots of events, mostly monster killing events as that's my thing ;) Monday evenings was always godwars time! and Jokr always volunteered to be our punchbag........I mean tank. It was so much fun and was very grateful that Jokr took the time to host them and to all staff who took out the time to dedicate to running the clan.

Towards the end of the year I felt a real part of the clan, always had a warm welcome when entering the cc and people just generally nice to each other, no flaming and other drama that usually comes with clan life (so I'm told). After a little nudge, I decided to apply for the events team and try to give something back to the clan.

It was a pleasure organising events for the clan, everyone was always happy to join in the fun and help me out when I decided to host something a little different. My favourite events have probably been the KoA birthday celebrations, we had so many different things going on and had the chance to do fun stuff with members we don't usually scape with. Last year was particularly fun with a clan wars USA vs the rest of the world. Funny how the rest of the world consisted of me and …erm well just me. I'm told sSnowAngel dealt the final blow effectively destroying the rest of the world. I will be out for revenge this year!

There are countless other good memories I have and one or 2 I'd rather forget but the good far outweighs any bad that has happened in this clan. There are so many good people in this clan and they are exactly what makes the clan special.

I hope to do my bit to keep KoA the best clan in Runescape and have total faith in you all that you will do your bit :)
Dr Brad wrote:KoA version 2.0 is 5 years young today. WOW!

I've been a member of KoA just shy of 4 years, and it's been a great ride. What words come to mind when I think of KoA? Respectful…Drama -free….Diverse….International….Motivational…24/7 (we never close). I've seen many people come and go and some return – fortunately, many stay. Some of the old timer names – to name a few – that are no longer with us include Tntxpress, Sir Chris, Tishala, and Kodirodio. As RuneScape changes, so does the clan. KoA isn't the same it was 4 years ago…nor 3 years ago…nor 2 years…etc. KoA will be different in the future too. It will never be what it was. The only constant is change.

The KoA community has helped me develop as a player way beyond what I would have achieved on my own. Clan events, skillweek, "“Winter Olympics”, clannie expertise and encouragement all have contributed to development of my character. When I joined KoA, my CB level was 111 and my total skill level was 1860. Lady Kal accepted my application. I remember joining the FC but being a bit reserved. I kept PM'ing Kal for conversation. She gently encouraged me to speak up in the CC. Once I did, I felt very welcome!

From time to time, clan members may express different opinions, but in most cases we seek to understand each other. Once we achieve this, the rest is easier. Through all this, although we have different backgrounds, nationalities, religions, races, languages, gender and ages, it's important for us to remember that we have one thing that we share in common: a love of RuneScape.

Deep…thanks for establishing our home.

Long live, KoA!

I'm feeling all emotional! lol

I don't know how to follow those amazing posts, my usual thing would be just to type a book ;-)

But I'll try my best not to.

I'll start by thanking the past and present admins for doing such an amazing job and giving so much of their time, consistently from day one to now all the admins have wanted and done what they feel is best for the clan, and it shows in the environment offered in KoA.

The staff are just amazing, I think Oob and Fluff mentioned their experience on joining of the welcome from the liaison team, this is something that was put into place as an idea, a nice touch to welcome new members, but the liaison team do so much more than that, they send those posts not because they have to or it's a requirement of the job, but because they want to make those new members feel welcome, to be there as a listening ear or to give advice, it's all very well saying this is your role this is what we'd like you to do, but the care and passion they have doing that is something we have been blessed with it's not something they do, but who they are. The same goes for the events team, anyone could host an event, but the time and support, the advice they give and the dedication all the staff show is not something we ask for, but something all the staff give freely to make KoA in my view THE best adult clan in the game, and I'm excited by the things that may bring in the future.

As for the members, so many have done so much for KoA and eachother never having been asked to do so, I was going to list names of people that have done so much for the clan, then I realised everyone I know in the clan has in some way gone out of their way to make KoA the place that it is, by coming to events when they are busy, by instantly quitting what they are doing to try and bless someones grave, to give an item that another member needs, to give a listening ear or a quick bit of advice in the CC etc. etc. etc.. I could basically post the memberlist and say without this person, KoA wouldn't be the place it is. KoA is what it is today, because of YOU, Runescape is just a game, but KoA is a community, a community that when i get home from Uni or a long day at work, the first thing i do is come and turn the computer on to see what's been going on, to check the latest posts or to have a laugh in the CC b4 I have to do the mundane housework or coursework etc.

As for myself, my activity is low these days, but I am getting to play, which is great, I think the admin and the staff do an amazing job in putting up with me, if you've seen some of my books in the regular forums you should see what the poor admins have to put up with when i get the bit between my teeth, I'm very passionate about what KoA is, sometimes I strongly push for change, sometimes im a stick in the mud and change is something I find hard to accept. But I feel we keep hold of the idea, the belief behind KoA and change has always been for the best and will continue to be so, we will always strive to be an active, no drama, friendly adult clan. I miss a lot of people who have left, for different reasons, some were very close friends, others have left who maybe I didn't speak to so much, but they really shaped KoA and I will always have a massive respect for what they have done and feel they are a loss for the clan. But as Brad says, KoA is not the clan it was, it wont be the clan it is today, tomorrow, however - it will always be my home, it cant always be the same thing, but I know everyone will always be pushing to make it a better thing. Although in some ways I kind of disagree and feel it is the same thing, some different people, a different game, some different ways of doing things maybe and that will continue to be, but still the clan with an idea, an idea of providing a fun, active, drama free environment and above all a home for many of us in our runescape world and an escape from the pressures of the rest of the day or week when we cant be on.

Lets keep on improving on what we are!

Happy Birthday and Long Live KoA!

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:07 am
by Damion
I will add one more to the bit, and with the same spirit.
I played Runescape with the kids until they got tired of it, then I did not touch the game for over a year. My oldest got a "wild hair" one day and asked for me to pay for a month for him and I jumped back on too. As he grew tired of playing and the lure of jumping in his truck and going to do what 18 year old boys do, I elected to keep playing. I had numerous clan invites and never joined any because I did not want to be part of a kid group.
I too searched for adult runescape clan and came across the site. I was not really close to the requirements having only about 1300 total level at the time. So, I joined the forum and checked in here and there while I went to work on levels. I got right up to level 1500 and was like "YES, now I can join" only to realize that I was off by 200 and needed to get back to work. About 2 weeks before I had my levels, a friend asked me to help him with his clan and I agreed to, under the full understanding that I was working towards getting into KoA.
Well, with 1700 total levels, I filed out the app and here I am. I felt right at home in CC and have not regretted the decision to join.

Thanks to you all. The friendliness of this clan is the reason it has stood the test of time and I hope to continue in that tradition :)

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:11 am
by Deep_Pain
It's good to hear that newer users still feel the same draw - i hope you're here for our tenth birthday :D

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:16 am
by Myztra Roxxs
I'm a long time RS friend of dunder miffl, and I used The Beef (former KoA member) for effigy help for a long time. Then when the Citadel came, and my clan back then was to small/inactive to really work on their citadel, I started looking around for a new clan. Dunder recommended KoA and here I am since.

Happy birthday KoA! :) <:-P

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:43 pm
by Deep_Pain
Myztra Roxxs wrote:I'm a long time RS friend of dunder miffl, and I used The Beef (former KoA member) for effigy help for a long time. Then when the Citadel came, and my clan back then was to small/inactive to really work on their citadel, I started looking around for a new clan. Dunder recommended KoA and here I am since.

Happy birthday KoA! :) <:-P

Happy you chose KoA :)

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:57 pm
by Oobz
Nice to hear you felt right at home Damion :)

And I'm guessing you're glad you joined us Myz :D

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:48 pm
by Mjay
Happy Birthday Koa :D

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:12 pm
by scootch
Happy Birthday KOA

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:54 pm
by Philoz 494
Woohoo! Happy birthday Koa! :)

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:15 pm
by Capt Jacs
I was happy to read what Fluff wrote. :-? I identify with it. I spent several months looking at the clan lists trying to find one I could feel comfortable with :? . Everyone, in the clan, has been so nice. Maybe I'll do as Fluff said and "loosen up". I sit on the sidelines and "listen" to the chat and learn about the different personalities. I pipe up when I have anything to add to a question about a situation I've encountered. I'll get my 10 year cape in January. Most of that time I spent alone just piddling around. Thank You so much KoA, I only had 3 friends before I joined the clan, now I add a friend or two every time I participate in an event. :D

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:08 pm
by Oobz
Great to hear you are feeling at home here Capt :D

Re: Happy Birthday KoA!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:39 pm
by Cally Raven
Sorry if my story a bit like a Deep epistle ;) but it's a good one, honest.
I played R/s for about 3 months when I started to talk to this wonderful Scottish guy, you all know him as Sat, we spoke for months, met up and 2 1/2yrs later he still puts up with me (don't feel sorry for him, I warned him I was off my trolley ;) ). When they announced the citadels he suggested we join a clan, he would look out for one and found Koa. Sat joined said it was good and I joined about a week later as a lowly combat 95 with 1702 skills level, I felt like a real noob and prob was :lol:
The welcome I got was awesome, everyone was so friendly, at last I had people to talk to and help me when I needed it, which took the pressure off Sat having me ask endless questions all the time :D
My stats rose at an amazing rate over the next few months, as did my quest list, people went out of their way to help me, Oob bodyguarded at Kalph Queen til I felt able to take her on on my own, other members took me under their 'dungeoneering' wings and showed me it was a good skill (it always scared me before). Fluffy gave up her mondays and we had 'See Runescape With Fluff' Questing Mondays (what a laugh), Deb took me to kill the Barrows Brothers and showed me she had the patience of a saint, to name but a few.
Runescape became something I looked forward to and I made two wonderful r/l friends, Fluff and Deb, and many pixelated friends, you all put up with my madness happily, which does not happen often in r/l, though I gotta say I really gotta put a stop to keep getting locked up in places by certain people (Julie and Rocky :twisted: )
Then I applied to be liaison and was accepted, I love my 'job'. I was welcomed so warmly into Koa and I now get to do the same for new members myself, I will never tire of it.
Koa is definitely 'my home from home' where people are always there to make you laugh, or help in any way they can, and for that I love this place. Thank you to you all, staff and members alike, you all make this what it is, AWESOME!! :D