Locking plots

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Locking plots

Post by Deep_Pain » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:58 pm

We've had this discussion before - but there was some disagreement over locking the plots.

Due to the huge wastage the last tick and a half - (around 40k cloth more than needed so far)

I've locked the cloth plot for this tick.


after being told off by kal (cryptically as usual making me do all the work to find out what I'm in trouble for) - I re-read this post.

It comes across like.. I'm doing this and that's that.

It wasnt meant to be the case at all - sorry if it does. It's meant to re-open the discussion, plots only temp locked for this week. Due to recieving a lot of PM's upset at the wastage. The future of locks will not be down to me.

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Secesh » Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:03 pm

I think that's a good idea, when we get everything maxed (which will be soon) then this will no longer be an issue.

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Diplomatt » Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:44 pm

A lot of other clans 'make' their members do full caps at the citadel each week AND only what they need, they cap the plots and only unlock what they need to upgrade. I think we have been very lucky and easy going in KoA, whatever skill you want XP for, you get.

If we want the Dragon THIS year, we all may have to make a few sacrifices and not get the XP we actually want, but the citadel needs.

Now I think it's time to give a little back......................get making charcoal, mine precious ore, smith precious bars and make food.............................

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Re: Locking plots

Post by putsters » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:20 pm

I agree wholeheartedly. We sacrifice a bit now and later reap the rewards with any kind of exp we want as upkeep is not bad at all.

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Re: Locking plots

Post by SnowAngel » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:23 pm

I disagree. I think the citadel should not only be used for getting a dragon, but also for skilling. Some members are only on for a few hours a week and I think they should be allowed to do what they like there. I wouldn't call 40k cloth "wastage". It's xp gained by members that need it. If those members can't craft at the citadel, they will do it somewhere else and possibly not do anything at the citadel. The citadel belongs to all of us and we should be allowed to skill OR work toward the dragon. What's the rush? As long as the goals are there for all to see, I think most members try to work on those plots anyway. This is just my opinion of course and I know there are many members that really want that dragon. I'll keep making rations and making charcoal because I'm one of the ones that wants it. :)
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Re: Locking plots

Post by syfyqueen » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:34 pm

I agree with locking a plot if people won't gather the needed resources. It's one thing to have a little overage but 40k on one plot is a bit excessive. The xp I WANT is secondary to what the citadel NEEDS for upkeep/upgrades. I know that sooner or later the plot will be re-opened and I can once again get the xp i want, lol.... B-)

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Lady in Ice » Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:58 pm

I agree with Snow in every point.
I also do rations because I want the dragon but I don´t see why the opportunity to train crafting has to be taken away from those who want to train crafting? ( or any other skill we have there).

I´m just wondering how this "wastage" happens..
Are those people who need crafting exp and that´s why they´re training crafting? If the plot gets locked maybe they won´t go to citadel at all and locking it has no other effect than people not going to citadel ?
They should be able to use every citadel aspect/skill. We shouldn´t force people

or are those people who have no clue at all about our goals and about the citadel tab?
Find those and tell them " your clan needs more rations". Then they say " oops, I didn´t know" and move from cloth to rations :lol: Simple.

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Huzzah » Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:33 am

The great thing about the citadel was it was something we all opted to do. It seemed things were always against assigning tasks and forcing people to gain exp in pre-picked plots. After all, many of us have been capping at the citadel for a year now. I have upwards of 20m cooking exp and although i have contributed towards the dragon in cooking here or there I am not fond of being forced into it. Whatever you do is your choice but I'm sure if you asked members to gather 300-600 of a resource I'm sure most would comply. Atleast I hope they would. Meh. =/
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Re: Locking plots

Post by DoctorDRAG0N » Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:17 am

I agree with snow, the dragon is cosmetic & we will eventually get it either way...however when those who opt to train cook & craft 50/50 are now forced to train a skill they already have 15 mil xp, :cough cough: chances are they will just skip citadel all together that week. :(

We worked very diligently to get the citadel were it is today & done so by allowing (and guiding) people to train as they see fit & their scheduling allows. Locking a plot is the same as taking away a reward the clan has achieved. 40k extra cloth may seem like a waste, but if you ask the members that got well over 1m crafting xp collectively last week... I'm sure they don't see it as wasted.

ps, I did not use the loom at all last week but split my cap between stone & rations. :)

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Re: Locking plots

Post by zerocoollll » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:10 am

i enjoy bragging to other clans no SKILL is ever locked but locking ore ore stone is ok as long as members can get the exp they want.
A dragon would be nice but letting members to what they want is nicer

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Diplomatt » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:39 am

If you use the citadel every week, you get free xp from the clan cloak AND ring, to use on ANY skill, so I don't see what your argument is! Less me,me,me and more us,us,us! No 'I' in team...........

I didn't want firemaking XP, I wanted cooking, crafting or even better, smithy, but who do you think supplied thousands of pieces of charcoal so the people that wanted smithy XP could get it and as a clan we could get all the bars we needed?

Edit to say: Please don't think I am having a go at anyone individually for the above comments. We had a big debate for the colour of the dragon and it is a big upgrade, and I am also one of the first to 'brag' to different clan members about our clan and how we are the best adult clan in Runescape. I just think it would be nice to get this one out the way, then go back to collecting anything we want.
Last edited by Diplomatt on Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Huzzah » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:38 am

I think in part the reason the citadel was so fun and successful was that we were never forced into it. I myself have supplied both charcoal & rations. I also chopped tons of timber when it seemed everyone hated the tree. You are far from the only one diplo. To be honest, I cant speak for Tamal but I dont think I would have seen the citadel go in this direction. Im also unsure but I bet at least half the active members who do the citadel would disagree with this. I mean its not like cosmetic parts of the citadel give us any benefit we don't already have.

I dont see why you're in a rush for a cosmetic item that gives us no benefit, does not somehow improve our citadel other then looks. Well get it eventually either way. But as for this week, I decided I may not make it to the citadel for the first time in months. I think ive missed maybe two weeks since the citadels been around. Of those weeks, pretty much all of them Ive done either rations, or timber, or something I myself wouldn't benefit from as well as stuff I would. My playtime can be very limited sometimes and out of this weekend Ill prob only be able to play tomorrow. Although I wouldnt minded having gathered say 500 rations if asked, I highly dislike being told what to do and by complying I show that its okay. I can see how some members may have never went out of their way, but this is far from the adverage.
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Re: Locking plots

Post by Fluff » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:20 pm

OMG! You mean the dragon actually does exist?! I'd decided that it was in the same realm as Santa and the Easter Bunny. *excited again now*

I don't mind how the citadel is run. Tamal used to lock the odd plot every now and again and there wasn't any huge outcry, to my knowledge. Go with the flow I say

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Re: Locking plots

Post by Huzzah » Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:56 pm

As far as I recall the only plot that was locked was stone leaving the ores open for those who wanted the mining exp. Many of his posts seem to portray that people should get what they want to. I at least think there should have been some sort of polling done as the citadel does belong to koa as a whole and the groups feelings should be included in any decisions. Turns out the moving went quicker then expected so Ill prob be able to cap today on something either way. Doesn't mean I'm pleased however. I mean we made it this far without having limitations, why start when we've already been T7 for ages? Wouldn't it have made more sense to when we were going for T7 and could have actually benefited other then cosmetics?
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Re: Locking plots

Post by zerocoollll » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:30 pm

Pilgrim Matt wrote: Less me,me,me and more us,us,us! No 'I' in team
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