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Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:49 pm
by Dr Brad
I'm copy & pasting this from the Clan Leaders forum:
Hey guys,

Myself and Mod Chihiro have been talking recently about a whole bunch of things but the couple of things that we want to talk to you about over the Holiday period is Citadels.

The first thing we wanted to chat with you was an idea that came from us based on the feedback that you, and the general, have been giving about adding more value to the Citadel. Therefore we have this in our heads and wanted to get your feedback.

Citadel 'Loyalty' Idea

Designed to reward players that continue to work at the citadel each week. As a player consecutively reaches their skill cap at the citadel, they gain more XP while skilling at the citadel which reaches a certain limit. For example, if Runekilla115 has capped consecutively 3 weeks in a row, he has an XP boost on the plots at the citadel over someone who had only done 0, 1 or 2 weeks. In addition, once you reached your skill cap - you would be able to claim a Trimmed Clan Cape from the Quartermaster.

Alternative ideas

We don't just want to hear feedback on the idea that we have but also what you guys think would be a good/better incentive. This isn't the final solution and are open to your own suggestions and ideas so please let us know them.

Skilling plots feedback

We also want to know what you guys think about the Skilling plot XP. We want to know what plots you think are being a bit generous with the amount of XP in the plots and also which ones you think are a bit tight with the amount of XP that they give. This is all relevant to improving citadels too.

We won't be here over the Holiday period but it's the perfect time to let us know what you think about it all. When we come back in the New Year, around 3rd/4th January, we'll be on to talk about what you think!

Mod Timbo & Mod Chihiro
Based on your feedback/comments posted here, I will forward them to the Clan Leaders Forum.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:59 pm
by Huzzah
I think the increased exp might be a good idea. It would be an extra bonus for those members who make it to the citadel and max out every week and wouldn't hurt the others who could only attend so much. The cape would be neat with or without the bonus, Im always for style items. ^^ Presuming it'd go back to being untrimmed every citadel reset like when a new quest comes out?

I think the exp gain rate is pretty good overall except maybe the tree or summoning although i think the 2nd is done on for a reason.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:54 pm
by Shannanigan
I think the "Citadel 'Loyalty' Idea" would be great. I know I like any XP bonus I can get. Who doesn't?!
I believe it would bring clan members to the citadel to do their cap. (which is good for the clan and citadel goals)

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:57 pm
by Sir Chris
Would be awesome all plots were more like FM and Smith as far as number of clicks is concerned.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:16 pm
by Tamal
I like the loyalty ideas.

As Chris pointed out, there is an imbalance between the clicks required at the different plots. It leads to some plot being hated above others (woodcutting).

I personally don't have a problem with any of the XP rates.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:50 pm
by SnowAngel
I like the loyalty idea but since most of us don't wear the cape, I don't like having it trimmed as an incentive. What about if they gave us a clan ring with more xp and that could be used for any skill as a reward for loyalty? A lot of people have 99's in the skills that are used at the citadel so charging it there isn't much of an incentive for them.

The experience rates aren't bad there but the tree should be changed so it's more like mining.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:12 am
by sanockij
I think the bonus xp would be great. I'd also like to see either speed increase, xp increase, or amount of clicking required for most plots decrease. It can take a long time to max out, and when you're doing something click intensive like mining at the citadel it's almost a punishment - you don't really gain enough xp to be worth it and there's no monetary reward.

I personally don't care about a trimmed cape but it would probably motivate some people. I'm a huge fan of anything that helps to get xp faster, easier, and more fun. I'd really like to see a more significant bonus for having multiple people working on the same plot. It would help motivate clans to work together.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:27 pm
by curanir
my views:
xp is too high on crafting (ridiculously high xp/hour) and firemaking (especially given the lack of clicking required), and too low on wc and summoning, especially given the amount of clicking you have to do for wc. We either need fewer clicks, or better xp for wc, as it is always the one that is done the least. Summoning is terrible xp, and the summoning ring only gives about 5k xp, compared to about 25k for the other skills...

I like the idea of loyalty bonus xp etc, I think that works, however given that some large clans will be getting close to their t7 citadel now, are many people going to be needing to utilise their whole xp cap every week if there is nothing to build towards,except for aesthetic improvements?


Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:21 pm
by Zaijal
I'd say none of the plots give too much xp (who the heck would complain about getting too much xp? *facepalm*) but woodcutting and summoning could really use a boost :)

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:18 pm
by serame
Lately I have not been making too much time for the citadel except to visit and do my summoning. I think this is because I would rather spend what time I have doing other things that give xp in the skills I need (though I will gladly do whatever needs doing), and it takes forever for me to max out.

The clan ring is a nice bonus, and I have been using it for mining, but like Snow suggested, if it could be used for any skill that would be great. I think you could also include the citadel itself as a reward -- having a cool theater and battlefield can be incentives, too.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:30 am
by Mjoltiny
Firemaking is the only skill I'd rather train at cit than outside, even WITH a clan ring, with crafting following up. WC in cit is just way too ridiculously low and without the excuse of summoning. The time needed to even gain a clan ring weekly makes the summoning for "free" useless... time better spent gaining charms/cash.... period... simple math. As too balancing? I can't even imagine level 1 skilling plots.... level *needs* FAR more impact. Far more. As for the idea of maxing out faster if you do weekly thats great, but how about more reason to get *everyone* to max out, as it's pretty much a waste of skilling time for most people at our levels even at level 8 plots I'm guessing.

You know, if it weren't for the socializing which we'd never get otherwise in KOA (smirk) :P

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:36 am
by TrixStar
How about making the Citadel oh I don't know.....something useful? Honestly what is done there other than training and looking at plants and statues ( no offense to anyone ) I haven't seen the point in citadels since they came out. Yes we have a keep and can put on plays (oh joy) The battlefield isn't that interesting at all and it just seems like a place to go train for a hour a week.

Again this post has nothing to do with anyone in KoA or how much work you've put into the Citadel. This is more for Jagex and what the point in Citadels even is.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:11 pm
by Tamal
I hear you Trix. To date I've viewed it as largely a cosmetic item to show off our teamwork and dedication; not much unlike a skill cape: pretty, shows your dedication, bragging rights, not much practical use.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:49 pm
by Dave
Instead of an "exp boost" to people who max their cap every week, how about a "gathering boost" I'd much more prefer gathering at, for example, 2x the rate if I've maxed my cap 10 weeks in a row. Unfortunately I can't see any way for citadels to become much more than cosmetic items, so their usefulness will always be minimal/nonexistent.

Re: Clan Leaders Forum - Citadel changes

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:20 am
by Starwolf
I have to agree with Neltak. The takes too long to gather your cap. I never visit some skill plots like woodcutting or summoning cause the exp is either too low or just too tedious. Speeding up resource gathering would be best incentive in my opinion.