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This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:41 pm
by Dr Brad
"“Why was I moved to a different world when entering my clan's citadel?”
Mod Ash: It's a bit like the "global" world you can go to for the TzHaar fight pit - rather than having a large clan occupying spaces on a world while they're in a citadel, you get moved to a different world where the citadel is created.

"“I've selected night mode, but nothing happened!”
Mod Emilee: Changing to night mode won't be reflected immediately in your citadel, the change will happen after the first build tick, along with any upgrade jobs or layout changes you have requested.

"“What's the deal with this build tick? Why is it so long?”
Mod Mark: The build tick is set weekly for technical and design reasons. From a technical standpoint, the serverload would be overwhelming if we offered regular or even daily refreshes of all Citadels. Players are booted from the citadel whenever a change is made to the layout, so regular changes would also infuriate other clan members.

From a design perspective, a daily update would mean you'd need to offer resource upkeep per day, which we felt was too intensive, while it was our belief that committed clans who reached tier 7 would have something truly impressive to show off for their effort and time.

"“Can a ten man clan ever reach tier 2?”
Mod Edam: Sure, a clan can part-pay for an upgrade. An admin+ will need to earmark the citadel upgrade, then at the build tick any resource not spent on upkeep will be spent on this upgrade. So even though a ten man clan is limited to 1k each, by part paying they should be able to achieve tier 2 in two weeks (assuming they all hit their resource caps). As a side note make sure your admin+ does earmark any upgrade jobs you want done, otherwise they won't be carried out with the build tick.

"“Huh? Why am I only able to cut trees?!”
Mod Sneakman: As you start ranking up your citadel, the available options will increase fairly rapidly. It requires effort and team-work to create an amazing citadel.

"“I've hit my resource cap, what do I do now?”
Mod Edam: The citadels themselves are meant to be accessed weekly by players, rather than being something to occupy all your time whilst playing RuneScape. It's somewhere to touch base with your friends and talk about your RuneScape life, as well as being something you can help build up and maintain as a clan. However if you are looking for content to keep you occupied, the new battlefield offers a whole range of gameplay for you to get stuck into.

"“I don't feel creative today, are then any battlefields that are ready to use NOW?”
Mod Ash: We did include an example battlefield layout:

• Go into the editor, click "Load", and select "Example" from the list of slots.
• This loads Mod Stacey's capture-the-flag arena.
• Save it as your Layout A or Layout B.
• You can then choose it when you start a battle.

We recommend you have PVP=yes, teams="Enforced" and Reward -for-pking="1 point". But you can play differently if you like.

"“Will the cap effect each skill separately or for all skills overall? So 1000 for woodcutting, 1000 for firemaking. Or 1000 for both?”
Mod Edam: The cap is across all skills. However you can raise the cap by raising your storehouse level.

"“Will random events visit players when they are in the citadels?”
Mod Edam: The citadels fly outside of the reach of random events. The reason is technical; the way citadels are generated does not support random events.

"“Will there be more customisation options in the battlefield in the higher tiers?”
Mod Edam: No, you already have access to the whole range of elements. At higher tiers, you are permitted to save more layouts, and you can bring more people into the battlefield for bigger events.

"“What's the lowest rank that has the ability to edit the ranks of others now?”
Mod Edam: In order to change someone's rank, you must be an admin or higher. You must be of a higher rank than the person whose rank you wish to change; and you can change their rank to as high as one rank below yours.

Clan permissions work the same way: You can alter permissions for ranks below you, as long as you yourself are at least an admin. Bear in mind that some permissions are limited to Admin or higher - for example, permission to upgrade or downgrade the citadel – and that moving the build tick is limited to Overseers and above.

"“Why can't F2P access low level tiers?”
Mod Chihiro: This is for various reasons, but the main one is a technical one. Our game worlds are defined as either F2P or Members, and cannot be both. We can't allow free players access, and allow members access to members content at the same time. We wanted to allow this, but found the obstacles to doing this to be too big. We could have made the whole thing F2P, but members would not have been able to use or access any members content, including members skills, or members objects. Because we wanted to ensure that members had privileged access to the best content the game has, this was the only choice available to us.

"“Did you consider adding a bank to the citadel so that members can skill in a clan environment?”
Mod Chihiro: There are two kinds of bank we could add to the citadel, a player bank and a clan bank. Adding a clan bank would require new engine work.

We are keen to ensure that clanmates do not spend their entire play time tucked away skilling in a citadel and adding banks might encourage that, but we do see that adding a clan bank especially would be a great way to help clans organise themselves in a very flexible way. So we are definitely considering it, and now that we have released citadels, we will be looking at this in more detail, but we have a number of technical and design questions we need to answer before we can commit to doing it.

"“Why aren't the Citadel tasks a part of the Taskmaster emote?”
Mod Moltare: Because we didn't feel we wanted to require that everyone either be in a clan or pester other clans for visitation rights in order to keep their emote.

"“Why can only Administrator ranks and above use the battlefield editor?”
Mod Moltare: That's changing to be permissible to all ranks.

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:45 pm
by TrixStar
Mod Moltare: Because we didn't feel we wanted to require that everyone either be in a clan or pester other clans for visitation rights in order to keep their emote
Yet they added 20 music tracks that are going to take approximately 20 weeks to get all of them making people with completionist cape unable to wear them. :-?

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:47 pm
by Shortstuff
TrixStar wrote:
Mod Moltare: Because we didn't feel we wanted to require that everyone either be in a clan or pester other clans for visitation rights in order to keep their emote
Yet they added 20 music tracks that are going to take approximately 20 weeks to get all of them making people with completionist cape unable to wear them. :-?
I think ive seen people still wearing the completionist cape (trimmed), how is that possible?

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:35 pm
by TrixStar
Not sure maybe they changed it? There was a bitching and moaning post about bit on the high level forum.

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:04 am
by Dr Brad
The "example" battlefield noted above is active and ready to be played.

Choose "Layout A"

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:50 am
by B F O A
TrixStar wrote:Not sure maybe they changed it? There was a bitching and moaning post about bit on the high level forum.
I had all the music unlocked from day one. I don't think the music is based on tiers. Only that it's a collection of several different tracks from the citadel. Much like Dungeon tracks are organized, such as "Adorno I, II, III,...-X"

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:23 am
by Sir Chris
"“Will random events visit players when they are in the citadels?”
Mod Edam: The citadels fly outside of the reach of random events. The reason is technical; the way citadels are generated does not support random events.
I'd like to report the person who asked this question for botting please.

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:31 pm
by Dr Brad
Working at the woodcutting plots in Clan Citadels will now generate a faster rate of timber.

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:08 pm
by Dave
Dr Brad wrote:
Working at the woodcutting plots in Clan Citadels will now generate a faster rate of timber.

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:27 pm
by TrixStar
Now if they'd just make that stupid tree like the kiln

Re: This week's Recent Update FAQ -- citadels

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:29 pm
by Sir Chris
TrixStar wrote:Now if they'd just make that stupid tree like the kiln
mining too please