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Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:57 pm
by Dr Brad
It has been suggested by several that KoA member admission requirements should be increased from 1600 to 1700 total skill points. Admin staff have discussed this and are putting this to the clan for a vote. (Member admission combat level would remain unchanged at 110.)

At the same time, we would also increase the KoA friend admission requirement from 1400 to 1500 total skill points. (Friend admission combat level would remain unchanged at 90.)

If this "motion" passes, we would "grandfather" current Members/Friends who do not meet the new total skill point requirements. In other words, if you're already a KoA Member/Friend, this change to the total skill points won't affect your membership/friend status.

This poll will be up for 1 week. You may change your vote at anytime between now and the time the poll closes.

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:01 am
by Darth Kaz2
I think we should increase the requirement, in order to reflect the additional skill levels availale to be earned through Dungeoneering. While a higher requirement does not ensure more maturity in our applicants, it does mean they are more dedicated RS players, and that seems like a good thing to me.

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:05 am
by jroad
I was gonna say pretty much the same as kaz lol


Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:53 am
by KevinsLunchbox
Is it a 100% absolute that someone be 18 or older? i met a girl who is 16 and wants to join a mature clan

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:09 am
by TrixStar
Ya it's 18, stay away from that jailbait ;)

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:32 am
by Dave
I agree, dungeoneering can help add a quick 70 total levels.

On a side note, I recall the last requirement update (changed from 1500-1600). I was a mere 1520 total, but snuck in a few days prior to the poll finishing. #:-S

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:02 am
Are you sure that 1700 is going to be enough for the clan to accept? Will this be enough to bring div back or keep others from leaving? If the members cant accept the new peeps that barely make the cut then whats the point. If you want only lvl125+ members then have that as a req, but dont welcome lower lvl'd peeps and talk trash behind thier backs it makes you look childish and ignorant. I like this clan and most of the members I am cb lvl106 and have 1746 total, if you cant accept me or dont want me then be an adult and say so and Ill leave ... that simple. Im sorry, I dont mean to sound so gruff but Ive been turning a deaf ear for too long. This is my noob opinion count it as you like.

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:16 am
BTW I did vote yes on the poll, the new "skill" will open up 50 easy points easily obtainable for any noob. ;)

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:46 am
by Lady in Ice
IZZIT420YET wrote:Are you sure that 1700 is going to be enough for the clan to accept? Will this be enough to bring div back or keep others from leaving? If the members cant accept the new peeps that barely make the cut then whats the point. If you want only lvl125+ members then have that as a req, but dont welcome lower lvl'd peeps and talk trash behind thier backs it makes you look childish and ignorant. I like this clan and most of the members I am cb lvl106 and have 1746 total, if you cant accept me or dont want me then be an adult and say so and Ill leave ... that simple. Im sorry, I dont mean to sound so gruff but Ive been turning a deaf ear for too long. This is my noob opinion count it as you like.
The reason why we have a level/combat lvl requirement at all is that everyone would be able to participate in events/activities that KoA can offer. Someone with low combat/total level would not be able to go to GWD or many KoA skilling events. This is purely for clan efficiency because we are an active clan with many events.
All new members, who meet the requirements, are welcome in clan. If there is someone who is disrespectful and rude to other members just because they have lower levels - KoA is not a place for that kind of players. We are all adults and we expect everyone to act respectful towards other members regardless of total/combat levels. Please noone forget that combat/total level doesn´t show the "worth" of a player. We as adults should understand it better.

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:52 am
by RedFalling
IZZIT420YET wrote:Are you sure that 1700 is going to be enough for the clan to accept? Will this be enough to bring div back or keep others from leaving? If the members cant accept the new peeps that barely make the cut then whats the point. If you want only lvl125+ members then have that as a req, but dont welcome lower lvl'd peeps and talk trash behind thier backs it makes you look childish and ignorant. I like this clan and most of the members I am cb lvl106 and have 1746 total, if you cant accept me or dont want me then be an adult and say so and Ill leave ... that simple. Im sorry, I dont mean to sound so gruff but Ive been turning a deaf ear for too long. This is my noob opinion count it as you like.
I think you are confusing this with other drama that may be happening. The thought of raising the total lvl is that as the game grows and more skills are introduced, total level becomes easier to obtain. It has been Almost two skills since the last time we raised the reqs, and that adds up to a little over 200 lvls added to the game. I also see that you meet the req, both new and old so your doing good.

Also, if you feel you, or someone else is being "talked about" or treated unfairly, please bring it to a staff members attention. I know we call most of them trouble makers, but they really are good people, and they will listen to you.

*edit* ^^ what Kal said..

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:16 am
by Jax
definitely yes, a lot of skills have come out lately and this gives me a goal to full fill.

(current total lvl 1675)

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:53 am
by cwadark0ne
I agree with 1700 total levels but why not make a combat req along with a total skill req instead of just either one.

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:27 am
by scootch
Why 1600 has been enough For along time 1700 Skill total Does not Raise the level of maturity Any. Alot this has to do with it. I dont care what ya say about the total . Is the age thing Have heard more talk about that then some skill total. Be honest and dont beat around the bush. IMO

We dont do anything hardly anymore as a clan anyways. I could see If we did alot clan things together then yes raise the skill level. But Out of 100 plus members Clan events are WAYYYYYYYYY So theirs no need to raise anything. Raise this for the right reason not the wrong ones

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:18 am
by Mabelrose2
Hey, I know some of the most immature players are well over 30, and some of the most level headed, helpful and mature under 20.

Age can be relative. I think over 18 is "adult", unfortunatley there is not such thing as a maturity checking scale that I'm aware of

Re: Poll -- Changing KoA admission requirements

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:26 pm
by scootch
We dont do Alot of things as a clan to warrent this. 100 plus people in the clan. What be number that show up for events. less then 20 percent. And ya cant say skill week Because Skill is differnt for a race. 1600 is good enough. When more the half clan shows up for a event and more then half cant play coz they are to low, then yes time to change the skill level Entry.