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New server.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:57 pm
by Deep_Pain
Firstly I would like to apologise to everyone who had problems accessing the site over the Holiday period.

This was a particularly bad time for anything to go wrong with the site for me, as this year I have been accomodating family and friends for the christmas period, 2 birthday parties and a wedding anniversary. I can only apologise for the inconvenience caused and hope that you understand in the very limited time I had to be online, I tried to make sure that the other admins were able at least to restart the server, until I could get on after Christmas and try and fiund out the issue. I believe this worked at first, but in the time I was offline doing the whole family thing, the reboots started being needed several times an hour, to the point that it was almost impossible to keep the site online for any length of time.

I didn't realise it had gotten quite this bad, but at the same time, even if I had known it was at this stage, apart from maybe being able to pop on and keep you all a bit better informed, I wouldnt have been able to take the time out from being with my family as I see them very little with my working week, they would have taken precedence.

Anyway, what happened?

Ok firstly I can happily say that the site will now again be stable, you are here so you most likely know that you currently need to access it via this address:

Thanks to a kind offer and much help from Firblitz (Tamal / Fxrw ), we have left our old server and moved to be hosted by him. Saving us considerable cost on the running of the clan. Also thanks for his help on trying to solve the issues with the last server. We found the issue, a problem with the DNS on the old server and the process used using all our memory and crashing. So the site had in reality never crashed, but it could not be accessed via the domain name, only via IP, or some people could access it at the same time others couldn't. will point at this site, it may take a little while to propogate, but I would imagine most of you will be able to access the site via the old address by the end of the day. For now if anyone has any trouble in the CC accessing the site, please inform them of this link, replacing dots with spaces... so: koaclan edgeville org

Thanks to Fir for his help yesterday and his kind offer to host, and mord for your help before Christmas, and apologies to everyone for the downtime over the holidays.