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Old event posts lost

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:51 pm
by Deep_Pain
Due to an error, we have lost the old events from the events forums.

This is my fault for not having a recent back-up as I havent been around much.

I do have a back-up with most of the posts, but it is pretty old and I don't want to revert the forums back that much.

I am looking into the possibilities of a partial restore, but it is possible, not probable due to the time and sheer number of manual entries that would need to be made (450+ topics, likely a few thousand posts, many thousands of manual edits to restore). unless I can make some kind of script to automate the process. I'm not that hot on SQL, so it is unlikely, but I will see what I can do.

All we can do is apologise and re-assure you staff other than myself will be on top of making sure the site is backed-up regularly.

Re: Old event posts lost

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:09 pm
by blarny3
Just to say, it was my error not Deeps, I have now been demoted to Tea Lady.

So very sorry guys.