2nd edition submission

Anything to do with the clan - suggestions - democracy - announcements - citadel.

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Re: 2nd edition submission

Post by 9_red_monkey » Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:10 am

Kaleviplika wrote:
9_red_monkey wrote: kal, just random facts and stats on Koa. Anything really. Just some info for newer members.
What about this :
about KoA boards :
Average posts per day: 44.24
Topics per day: 4.11
that's good. And like history kind of stuff. Maybe deep can tell us that.

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Re: 2nd edition submission

Post by Lady in Ice » Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:37 am

9_red_monkey wrote: that's good. And like history kind of stuff. Maybe deep can tell us that.
the history is in our " Rules and FAQ" :
History of KoA

KoA was founded in 2002 by Deep_Pain - Not long after a clan led by Erazermike was merged into KoA and Mike became co-leader. We were at the time, as most people on Runescape classic were, PK'ers, we didn't hold many events, mainly just hung round together, used the forums as a base of contact and trained / PK'ed together.

When Runescape 2 was released (now known as just Runescape). There was a large split in the clan, as there was in Runescape in general, many of the players were unhappy with the combat style of RS2, others with the lag or the terrible crab-like movement of early RS. Many vowed not to play RS2 and to continue playing Runescape Classic. We tried to cover both versions of the game, but with losing members not only to both versions of the game, we also lost a lot of people who just gave up on the game entirely.
We started advertising heavily and got influx after influx of idiots, arguing, flaming, etc. etc. We stopped recruiting and really at that point KoA became a community rather than a clan. The forums were just a means for old members to keep in touch. Around 2005 our new forums went offline due to server problems, and apart from the odd post, the old forums weren't re-used. KoA was basically only existent in the members that still played.

KoA Reborn:

In 2007, after being in several other clans, Deep_Pain felt that no other clan had ever lived up to the great community once offered by KoA. Deep_Pain had joined some of the biggest clans on Runescape. Some had even claimed to be "mature" in their requirements. But after several clans in about a period of a year, Deep_Pain realised that there were really only three options to choose from. It came down to being in a clan that was run like a military regime, or to watch a bunch of kids flame eachother over utter nonsense, then finally, to relaunch KoA. Deep_Pain decided on the latter. He contacted some of the founding members of KoA, who had been in it since 2002. Together, they decided to have another go. Rather than suffer the problems KoA had experienced in the past, and with what they all had sadly learned in other clans, with in-fights, drama, flaming etc., they decided to make the clan Adults only.

From the very start it was a hit. We are not the biggest clan. With our high requirements and age requirement, we will only ever be a niche clan. However, we are extremely active. We have events every week, usually several. There is almost always a good crowd in clan chat. We are, by far, the most active adult clan in Runescape. Above all else however, the drama, arguing, and in-fighting, just does not exist here. We do not need to be organised like a military regime.

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Re: 2nd edition submission

Post by onezerobin » Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:59 pm

Ok, I will post the polls by the end of this week :)

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Re: 2nd edition submission

Post by 9_red_monkey » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:30 pm

Oh it would be cool to get some reactions to new skill. Or a first time trying new skill story.

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Re: 2nd edition submission

Post by onezerobin » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:56 pm

Ya, good idea :) Maybe we can get gist of the reactions from the thread Neltak posted.

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